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Prepare Ginger In This Old Way and Prevent Cancer, Treat Arthritis, Reduce Cholesterol And Lower Blood Sugar levels!

Ginger is one of the most beneficial and popular spices in the world, and it has been traditionally used in the Indian and Asian cuisine.

It has a wide range of uses, and is especially effective in the case of cold, flu, cough, arthritis, and stomach ailments. Additionally, ginger provides great relief in the case of pain in the back and muscles, as well as high cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Numerous studies have confirmed that this spice is of great help in the case of degenerative or rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain. It also prevents cancer and stimulates blood flow.

This is how to prepare a traditional ginger remedy that will help you treat countless health issues:

Prepare Ginger In This Old Way and Prevent Cancer, Treat Arthritis, Reduce Cholesterol And Lower Blood Sugar levels!


  • 200 grams ginger (peeled and finely chopped)
  • 50 ml lime juice
  • 1/2 cup of sparkling water
  • 50 grams organic honey
  • 450ml filtrated water

Method of preparation:

You should boil the water and add the ginger. Cook it on a lower heat for 5 minutes, and then remove it from the heat and leave it for 20 minutes to cool. Now prepare the syrup in a separate bowl. Mix half a cup of the ginger water with half a cup of sparkling water and add the lime juice and organic honey to sweeten it.

Mix well.

Drink a glass of this remedy every second day. If you skip a day it doesn’t matter, you just continue the next day.

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