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Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

Sometimes, buying windshield wipers for our vehicle is something of great importance.

Sure, we all can agree upon the fact that the stock wipes that are pre-installed on the windshield get the job done for the most part, but considering how they are mechanical, they can lose their efficiency, or even stop working once and for all.

In a situation like your windshield wiper giving up on you and stop working, your best option is to make sure that you get a new replacement.

Now, in this case, you have two options; you can either go for the ones that are supplied by your vehicle manufacturer, or you can decide to spend some more money and buy the best windshield wipers that are available in the market pretty easily.

When it comes to choosing the best wiper blades, there are some things that you need to keep in mind. Apart from the obvious fact that you need to know about the compatibility with your vehicle, you also need to see if the manufacturer is good enough and if the windshield wiper you’re looking at has received positive reviews.

Believe it or not, quality is something that you should absolutely look for when buying the best windshield wipers. Today, we are going to take a look at our top ten best windshield blades in order to help the readers pick the best one out of the bunch.

Although it’s not something a majority of people don’t know about, a lot of people usually miss out important information simply because they don’t pay attention or it doesn’t concern them.

In simpler words, the windshield wipers are basically the wipers that are installed on the windshield of a vehicle.

We use the word “Vehicle” because these wipers install on a lot of vehicles rather than just on cars. These wipers are there to make sure that whenever you are driving out and there’s rain or snowfall outside, you will be able to clear it from your windshield in order to make sure that your view isn’t obstructed somehow.

1. Bosch 26A ICON – Best Wiper Blades to get right now

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018Bosch is a company that has participated in the manufacturing of a lot of amazing products.

So, when we first heard that they make wiper blades for vehicles too, we were generally excited to check those out because why not.

The model we are taking a look at today is known as the 26A ICON; now do keep in mind that the number in the model number is basically the size of the wiper blade; so this one is 26 inch, although, Bosch is offering the same amazing wiper blade in multiple sizes.

For those wondering about the sizes that are available, the Bosch Icon comes in 13″ to 24″ and 26″ Needless to say, Bosch has made sure that they are offering the wiper blades in the majority of sizes.

Now when it comes to choosing a specific wiper blade, people need some convincing mainly because there’s always a cheaper option available. The reason you should buy this wiper blade is rather simple, this one actually comes with some of the best features that we are going to discuss right now.

According to official statement from Bosch, the Icon wiper blade comes with dual rubber lining that prevents a lot of the issues that are normally found in other windshield wipers; for starters, the Bosh 26A Icon, as well as all the other Bosh windshield wipers, are made out of FX dual rubber, ensuring that you won’t hear any chattering noises. This also ends up increasing the lifespan for about 40 percent.

While at first, we thought that this is a gimmick, but upon proper testing, we realized that it’s actually not, and the 26A Icon is actually that good. The wiper also comes with a bracketless design, and while it may raise some concerns for some people, it’s actually really good because having this sort of design prevents the snow or ice from building up.

The wiper blades are also equipped with dual steel springs, ensuring that a proper, uniform force is applied across the entire wiper blade. While this may sound like a gimmick to some, it’s actually very useful as it increases the overall lifespan of the wiper blade.

Last but not the least, we also realized that the wiper happens to be very, very quiet during the operation, something that is very useful for people who don’t like the additional noise that most wipers are known for creating.

Overall, there’s no denying that the Bosch Icon series of wipers is amazing; sure, it can be a bit on the expensive side, but by spending all this money, you’re getting some really great wiper blades that will complement your vehicle and clean the windshield a lot better than the stock one.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

2. Rain-X Latitude – Most Recommended

The next windshield wiper blade we’re looking at is known as the Rain-X Latitude; now this is perhaps one of the most famous wiper blades that are available in the market, and that’s because the company pays some special attention into the creation of these wiper blades.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018Ensuring that your vehicle is using the best possible windshield wiper blades.

With that said, the Rain-x Latitude is made out of quality material, and in case you are trying to find out the material used in this specific windshield wiper, then you should know that these are made out of synthetic rubber.

Now much like the best windshield wiper blades out in the market, this one also come in multiple sizes, so that makes sure that even if your vehicle uses a different size than the rest, you don’t have any troubles finding the compatible windshield wiper.

The really good thing about this wiper is that there are absolutely no exposed metal parts, and while this may not make sense to some, the good thing here is that this means there will be absolutely no ice, or snow build up inside the parts. This is something of a very common issue that a majority of windshield wipers are actually suffering from this issue, but now the Rain-X Latitude.

Another great thing about this particular windshield wiper blade is that it comes with a pre-installed small j-hook that you can use to attach the wiper with, however, if your vehicle uses some other type of attachment, the wiper blade also comes with multiple attachments that you can use to actually attach the wiper blade without really running into any issues.

Overall, the Rain-X Latitude is perhaps one of the best windshield wipers that are available in the market at the time of writing, the material is durable, the wiper is easy to install, and there is a very good operational flow that provides a smooth, noise free experience.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

3. ANCO 31 Series

The next windshield wiper blade we are looking at is from Anco, and the series is known as the Anco 31-series. Now when it comes to windshield wipers, the market is filled with amazing windshield wipers, however, finding the right one is something very, very important.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018Most people don’t really realize the importance of the windshield blades until they end up losing the one that has been doing all the work on their vehicle’s windshield, and they are forced to install a new one. Now when you’re browsing the market for a new windshield wiper, there are quite a lot of things that you need to keep in mind.

You need to make sure you’re aware of the size of the windshield wiper, as well as the mounting style. The Anco 31-Series aims to make everything a lot simpler by making sure that the consumer doesn’t have to do a lot of heavy lifting.

First things first, the windshield blades are available in a variety of different sizes, and while this is something that not a lot of people would fail to understand but considering how different vehicles use different blade sizes, it’s always better for the manufacturer to make sure a variety of sizes are included.

The type of material that’s used in the Anco 31-Series, it’s DuraKlear Rubber that ensures that maximum performance, and quite an operation, as well as a streak-free wipe, something that is very important for the majority of consumers because streaks look really bad on any windshield.

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Anco uses a custom installation method that ensures that the wiper blade can be connected and removed easily, however, that raises some concern about the wiper blade being easily removed. Thankfully, our testing confirmed that while the wiper blades are extremely easy to install, one can’t just remove them by nudging them out of their place.

Overall, the Anco 31-Series is an amazing series of windshield wipers, and provides some of the best wiper blades that are available in the market. They’re affordable, they have a rather easy, and secure installation, and on top of that, they work a lot better than any other stock wiper blades, giving them a bigger benefit.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

4. Valeo 900 Series

We are now taking a look at a really amazing windshield wiper blade from a company known as Valeo, now for those who don’t know, Valeo is basically a company known for creating some of the finest windshield blades that are available in the market, however, a lot of people often overlook the company’s brilliant range of windshield wipers that are available to the consumers.Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

The series we are taking a look at today is known as the Valeo 900 series, it is one of the best series out in the market at the moment, and comes in a variety of sizes that will fit the needs of almost all the consumers out there. Now for those wondering, the different sizes exist because a lot of different vehicles require a different size.

Valeo uses high-quality Tec3 Rubber for the manufacturing of these amazing windshield wipers, allowing for a longer life, and ensuring that there are absolutely no streams when cleaning the windshield. In addition to that, these windshield wiper blades are cleverly designed with integrated spoilers to ensure maximum integrity.

In addition to that, Valeo has made sure that these windshield wipers don’t have any exposed metal parts because that will just make the windshield wipers prone to collecting, ice, snow, or dust. Needless to say, this approach ensures that the performance remains consistent throughout the entire year.

Another great thing about the wipers from the Valeo 900 series is that they are really easy to install. Unlike most aftermarket wipers that require an attachment to install, this approach means that even if you lose a wiper blade while you’re out, you can simply take out the spare one and install it without really having to go through the hassle of unscrewing the old one.

Overall, there’s no other way to say that but the Valeo 900 is the type of wiper blade that is made to make things a lot easier for you; this is something that a lot of people don’t understand, but considering how Valeo 900 series is aiming to make things a lot easier for people, the overall value is something that can’t be overlooked at all.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

5. Aero OEM Premium

When it comes to new wiper blades, a lot of people prefer OEM blades because they believe that the quality is always better, and while that’s not always the truest of things, it can be true if you’re comparing some really bad ones to the OEM ones.

For those who don’t know, OEM basically means “original equipment manufacturer”, and in this case, OEM level wiper blades basically mean that your car’s manufacturer manufactured the wiper blades as well.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

Today, we are looking at Aero OEM Premium wiper blades for a variety of vehicles, now for those who don’t know, Aero is one of the OEM companies that create some of the best wiper blades for different vehicle manufacturers.

The Aero OEM Premium wiper blades are made out of specially blended rubber that stands really well against all the hard work that gets done by the wipers, the wipers are designed with aerodynamics in mind, and for those who don’t know, this means that during the usage, there will be comparatively lesser drag, and at the same time lesser amount of noise that will be introduced.

In addition to that, in order to make sure there’s no dust, ice, or snow stuck to the inside of the wiper, the company has designed these wipers without any exposed metal parts, this means that your whole experience will go a lot smoother.

You should also know that the specially blended rubber also helps with cleaning your windshield without leaving any bad looking streaks behind, something that is a legit problem a lot of people face because streams look terrible on windshields or any type of glass for that matters.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

6. Valeo 600 Series

Yes, Valeo 900 series has already been loved and reviewed by us, and we thought that we should take a look at the Valeo 600 series now.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

To be honest, not much from the Valeo 900 series has changed, and it is a good thing because a lot of people don’t like change when it’s not positive. So, while most people think that the Valeo 600 series is basically a downgrade, it’s simply not.

This amazing wiper blade comes in a variety of different sizes ensuring that the whole process of installation is extremely easy, and there is a large number of vehicles that can work perfectly fine with this wiper blade.

In addition to that, in case you are wondering what type of material is used in this, the Valeo 600 series uses the same Tec3 rubber that we see in the Valeo 600 series as well. This means that you are getting an amazing windshield wiper blade that will hold rather well against almost all the type of traction, drag, and another load that normally gets put on the windshield wipers.

Another great thing is that just like any other high-end wiper blades, the Valeo 600 series doesn’t come with exposed steel parts, making it one of the best windshield wipers because there are practically no ways any dust, ice, or snow can build up inside the wiper.

Not to forget, the Valeo 600 series windshield wipers are constructed using galvanized steel, and while galvanized steel is a bit too strong, and the actual applications are a lot different, the reason why galvanized steel is used here is because galvanized steel because that will make it resistant to a lot of issues like corrosion and other known issues as well.

Overall, for anyone who wants somewhat similar looks from the Valeo 900 series, the Valeo 600 series is perhaps one of the best one that is available in the market. Sure, you may think that you are compromising on the quality, but in all honesty, there isn’t anything that feels downgraded with the Valeo 600 series at all.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

7. Trico Force

We are closing in on our list, and we still have some of the best windshield wipers that we are planning on looking at. Right now, we are looking at this amazing wiper blade that is aptly named Trico Force. Now unlike some of the previous wiper blades that we have reviewed so far, the name doesn’t really represent anything, and while the indecisive nature may make some people raise their eyebrows, it shouldn’t be enough for others to judge these wiper blades unfairly.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

Now the good thing here is that these wiper blades are available in a variety of different sizes, so even if you happen to have a vehicle with a different windshield than the conventional design, you should be at ease knowing that you won’t be running into issues such as compatibility or improper finishing.

In case you are wondering about the type of material that is used in the manufacturing of these windshield wipers, you should know that these are made out of HighGlide Treated Rubber, and the reason why this rubber proves to be really good is because it allows the windshield blade to easily glide and slide on the windshield without really causing a lot of drag, or creating unpleasant noise.

The entire wiper is made out of high-quality material and doesn’t leave out any of the structure exposed, meaning that nothing can get stuck inside the structure and cause issues. This is something that we see a lot in most high-end wiper blades that are largely available in the market.

The wiper uses an amazing method of attachment that minimizes the amount of effort that it may take and maximizes the priority, making sure that you don’t have a hard time installing these wipers onto your vehicle’s windshield.

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Overall, for anyone who wants a wide variety of sizes to choose from, the decision of going with Trico Force isn’t a bad one at all; the windshield wiper is available in a variety of different sizes, are really, really easy to install, and hold up really well against the majority of different weathers. Needless to say, the Trico Force are easily one of the best wiper blades out in the market at the moment.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

8. PIAA Super Silicone – Extremely Easy to Install

PIAA Super Silicone is not a really charming name for a windshield wiper or for any product for that matters, however, it doesn’t mean that we won’t be testing it in order to find out whether or not the windshield wiper we’re looking at is actually good enough to be on this list.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

Well, since it’s already on the list, the cat’s out of the bag, and you are already reading what we have to say about the windshield wiper. Now while the name isn’t super creative, this windshield blade is a company that believes that going simple is the best way to actually make the most of their product.

Upon receiving the review sample, we were told that this windshield blade is made from specially patented silicone rubber, and while not many details were given to us, we were told that this patented silicon rubber will ensure that the silicone manages to resist against all the wears and tears as well as all the damage that can be caused by UV rays.

Believe it or not, UV rays from the sun are really damaging to the rubber and considering how you are someone who tends to drive a lot, or your car stays out more than it should, it’s not something of a smart decision in the first place.

The windshield blade is available in the majority of sizes in order to make the experience a lot easier for you, and it doesn’t matter what the windshield of your vehicle requires, there is a solution available for you.

The whole wiper blade is made in such a way that even when the silicone wipes itself off of the windshield, there are absolutely no streaks left behind. Do keep in mind that streaks are something that can be very annoying, and this silicone rubber makes sure that the whole existence of streaks is completely taken care of.

To be really honest, we didn’t expect this windshield blade to do a lot of work, mainly because we never really heard much about this company. However, the good thing is that this brand left us surprised, and in awe.

Overall, the performance of these blades proved to be one of the best in class, and they were really easy to install.

The construction was also solid, making them one of the best windshield wipers that are currently available in the market for the consumer to buy without really facing any issues like stock running out. This is because these are pretty famous actually, and the stocks are always available to ship out as soon as possible.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

9. ACDelco Metal

We just have to more wiper blades left on our list to review and we will be done. Now generally when we are looking at the end of the least, we are usually taking a look at some of the items that are less impressive. However, here at 10Beasts we normally follow a different rule that ensures that each and every single product in our list can be considered the best out of the respective type of product we are looking at.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

With that out of the way, say hello to the ACDelco Metal, another decisively named windshield wiper that made us skeptical in the beginning but thanks to the consistent performance, it somehow managed to make it to the list.

Now before we begin and get into the details, we would like to actually take a look at some of the concerns that made us reluctant while reviewing this set of wiper blades. For starters. The wiper blades don’t really come in a different size, they have one size, and to our surprise, we weren’t even told.

Luckily, the size managed to be the most standard with sedans, and the wiper blades fit in perfectly. Now do keep in mind that the product page suggested that this is actually made entirely out of metal and while this may raise some big concerns, and some eyebrows as well, the good thing is that the entire metal structure is covered.

In case you don’t know, the covered structure is really good because by the approach, it’s really easy for the exposed structure to have debris stuck in it, and stuck debris can completely destroy the wiper blade, that’s why we should always ignore the wiper blades because if not, then we’re only getting ourselves in a rut.

Overall, the ACDelco Metal is a really good wiper blade that you can buy right now, sure, there are some shortcomings like not having multiple sizes available, not giving some proper information about the product on the product page.

If you are okay with these shortcomings, then the good thing is ACDelco Metal isn’t really a bad windshield wiper, as a matter of fact, it’s great, and in majority of cases, it works just as intended. So, you can simply go ahead and make the purchase without really facing any issues.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

10. Michelin Stealth Hybrid

The last product on our list is the Michelin Stealth Hybrid, and while most of the people will be impressed by the name just like we did, the true question is whether or not this wiper blade lives up to the name. Well, if you want the shorter answer, then the answer is yes.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

However, if you want a longer, proper answer, then you should keep reading because we are going to reveal some of the best bits about this windshield wiper blade. For starters, the Michelin Stealth Hybrid is available in a variety of different sizes, and this is really good for people who really don’t want to struggle with finding the right fit for your vehicle.

You can simply confirm it with your vehicle’s vendor, if you’re getting it online, you can check it through the handy compatibility tool that is usually available on the product pages. Now moving on, Michelin has decided to keep things safe and simple and decided to go with rubber installation, and while some people may turn away from this, the good thing here is that rubber is actually the best material used in the construction of the best windshield wipers.

Another good thing is how the wiper has been designed, Michelin made sure that the design is as practical as possible, and even if it’s curved, it will fit really, really well. Not to forget, the windshield wipers come with a rather easy to understand locking mechanism.

The mechanism itself is really easy to operate, and apart from that, you can simply install it yourself. This means that you won’t have to hassle around with the wipers, and that’s a positive point. In addition to that, the overall build quality is rather nice, and the wiper blades are covered so that will prevent anything getting inside the structure and potentially destroying the blades.

Overall, the Michelin Stealth Hybrid is a really well thought out wiper blade that does a lot of good things, the fact that Michelin decided to with simplicity rather than using fancy terms that won’t make sense to a lot of people only tells that the company has confidence in the product that they have created.

Top 10 Best Windshield Wiper on Amazon 2018

Windshield Wipers – Buyers Guide

Now when it comes to windshield wipers, they are mostly constructed out of flexible metal along with some sort of rubber coating on top of it to prevent it from getting damaged early. Now, these windshield wipers use different kind of blades that are used to clean the windshield.

Keep in mind that when we say blades, we basically mean that we are not talking about steel or metal blades, instead, these blades are made out of softer material that can’t really damage the windshield when wiped on it.

In order to avoid any confusions, we are going to name the most commonly used windshield blades that are installed in these windshield wipers. So, without further ado, let’s take a look.

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Rubber Blades

Perhaps the most common type of material that is used in these wipers is rubber, the rubber blades are common because they are easy to find and really easy and inexpensive to manufacture. Now keep in mind that due to the fact that rubber is cheap and can degrade based on the intensity of usage, rubber blades are often the first ones to give up.

However, that doesn’t mean the rubber wiper blades are bad by any measure. As a matter of fact, a lot of car manufacturers are putting rubber wiper blades into their cars. So, make sure that you don’t just go ahead and buy some other material just because someone told you that rubber blades get easily ruined.

Just keep in mind that rubber blades aren’t created to last long and will require you to change them every now and then, but the good thing is that they are cheap and you can change them every now and then without really going through much of a hassle.

Silicone Blades

The technology has progressed somewhat and we now have silicone wiper blades, and for those who don’t know, silicone wiper blades are a lot more durable than rubber wiper blades, however, at the same time, silicone costs a bit more than rubber.

Apart from the cost and durability, one more thing that is important to know is that silicone wiper blades are not easy to form and craft, that’s why not a lot of wiper manufacturers are bringing these wipers in just yet.

However, at the same time, the good thing is that the companies that are bringing these wipers in are receiving some great critical and commercial reception. Unlike rubber, silicone doesn’t really get dried off in different seasons, this means that while rubber blades last shorter, the silicon blades last longer.

The only difference here is that the silicone blades are just slightly more expensive, but considering how you won’t have to change them every now and then, it’s completely justifiable. Also, another thing to keep in mind is that these type of blades are commonly used in sports cars as well as off-road vehicles that are subjected to a lot of force.

However, the good thing is that most manufacturers have started making the same blades for standard cars that are available to the common folk as well.

Coated Blades

Coated blades are also the type of windshield blades that are becoming more and more common, and instead of changing the rubber for some other material, they are actually just coated on top of the rubber to make it last longer.

Now in case you are wondering, rubber is coated with materials like Teflon or graphite, and while that may seem like a bad idea but it’s not. Instead of the rubber touching the surface of the windshield, it’s usually the coated material, and this creates a small amount of resistance that’s barely noticeable if at all.

However, the real benefit here is that thanks to the Teflon or graphite coating, the rubber’s overall lifespan becomes a lot longer than it usually is. Plus, another great thing here is that even if the rubber ends up drying out, the coating remains as good, and doesn’t wear out that fast.

Graphite and Teflon coated wiper blades are certainly a bit more expensive, but this approach can save you some money in the longer run because that way you won’t have to really change the wiper blades again and again. This is something you should definitely consider.

 Before you go ahead and purchase wiper for your vehicle, we would suggest you do some research, and the reason why this research is important is because if you don’t do it, you may end up getting the wrong wiper that may not work at all with the vehicle you own.

Few things about wiper blades which you must be aware of!

Now there are a lot of best wiper blades available in the market, and a lot of people think that they are universal and will fit on almost all the vehicles there are. However, the truth is different as they use different mounting mechanisms.

So, in order to make sure that your buying experience isn’t as terrible as it could become, we are going to take a look at some of the things you should know before buying windshield wipers.

Without further ado, let’s take a look, shall we?

Size of the Wiper Blades

The first thing you need to know is the size of the wiper blade that is installed on your vehicle’s windshield, this is important because if you are in the market for an aftermarket wiper blade, you’re going to need a wiper blade with the same size as the stock one, otherwise there can be some issues with compatibility or installation.

For those who don’t know, the simplest way to determine the blade size is by looking at the size of your windshield, blade sizes are just a little smaller than the windshields so you’ll get the idea. Another thing that you should keep in mind that the blades that are installed on the driver side are different in size as compared to the blades that are installed on the passenger side.

This may seem odd to some, but this design difference is mainly to make sure that both of the blades can work in tandem when activated. If the blades are of the same size, they’ll actually collide when both are turned on at the same time.

Similarly, if you are looking for a blade that goes into the rear window, it will be somewhat smaller than the blades on the windshield due to the size difference.

Types of Stock Wiper Blades

Another thing you should know the type of stock wiper blade; this is the information that will be used as a reference. Now when it comes to wiper blades, they are either available in beam styles, or bracket styles. It should be made clear that a bracket style blade won’t work on the mounting system that is for beam style, and vice-versa.

One should also know what type of attachments they in order to make the whole buying experience a lot easier. Having all of this information at hand will ultimately help you make sure that your whole experience goes smoothly as possible, and for some weird reason you don’t end up with the wrong wiper blade.

Warranty and Maintenance

Another thing you should know the type of stock wiper blade; this is the information that will be used as a reference. Now when it comes to wiper blades, they are either available in beam styles, or bracket styles. It should be made clear that a bracket style blade won’t work on the mounting system that is for beam style, and vice-versa.

One should also know what type of attachments they in order to make the whole buying experience a lot easier. Having all of this information at hand will ultimately help you make sure that your whole experience goes smoothly as possible, and for some weird reason you don’t end up with the wrong wiper blade.

Conclusion – Wrapping it up

So, there you have it, folks! We tested some of the best windshield wipers available in the market at the moment. While do keep in mind that we just covered 10 because that’s how things normally work, the market won’t treat you the same way.

There are hundreds of windshield wipers available in the market, and as a consumer, it’s up to you to choose. However, making mistakes is easy, and especially when you’re going to buy something like a windshield wiper that most of the people don’t have proper information about.

Well, don’t worry, the guide is here to help you pick the best out of the best windshield wipers are available in the market. We hope that you have a pleasant time picking the right wiper for your needs, and in case you face any trouble while picking up the right windshield wiper for yourself, it’s okay because you can always get in touch with us and we’ll help you with the right decision.

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