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Ginger Wraps Help Eliminate Mucus From Lungs Literally Overnight And Helps Stops Severe Coughing

If you’re down with a bad cold, coughing and sneezing, unable to sleep properly, you need to try out ginger wraps. Children are especially affected by severe colds as their immunity is still weak

Although cough syrups are commonly prescribed by doctors for severe coughing, they come with side effects like headaches, insomnia, etc. So, why not turn to more alternative options? One such option is ginger wraps. Take a look at the preparation procedure:

A tbsp of ginger powder

Raw honey

Olive oil



Adhesive tape


Preparation: First, mix the honey and flour and then put a bit of olive oil and then add the ginger. Mix once again. Next, transfer the mixture onto a clean napkin and then wrap gauze around it. Next, fix it onto your chest or back with the help of an adhesive tape.

Children should wear the wrap for 3 hours before going to bed.
Adults can wear the wraps overnight.
As these wraps increase the sweating, make sure you cover your sheets.

Rachel Lim used the ginger wraps on her child, and the effects were amazing. She changed the ingredients a bit, that is, she used tin foil and coconut oil instead of olive oil. She wrote on her facebook profile that her child was always coughing at night, 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. After applying the wraps, the child stopped coughing and no longer experienced nasal congestion.

Ginger Wraps Help Eliminate Mucus From Lungs Literally Overnight And Helps Stops Severe Coughing

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