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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

BRA BULGE & BACK FAT Workout: 5 Moves to Get Rid of Bra Fat

Bra fat is that unsightly bulge that forms when the elastic of your bra squeezes your torso. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you’re out of shape or that you’re overweight. In fact, the bulge is something that happens naturally when you tie elastics around any soft part of your body. If you don’t like the appearance of bra fat and you want a smoother look under your t-shirts, there are upper back and shoulder exercises that target and help to get rid of the excess fat.

One way you can prevent bra fat is by toning the muscles on your upper back and laterals. The firm tissue will bulge less than soft tissue. This 5-move workout will help you target those stubborn areas with upper back exercises that tone and strengthen your muscles. And doing the moves in quick succession will raise your heart rate to help you burn excess fat over the entire body!

What You’ll Need: a set of light to medium dumbbells (8-15 lb.), a gym mat, and a kettlebell. One dumbbell can be substituted for the kettlebell if unavailable.

What to Do: Perform 12 reps of each exercise in order, with 15-second breaks in between. After finishing all the exercises, rest for 60 seconds and repeat until you complete all rounds.

Beginner: 2 rounds
Intermediate: 3 rounds
Advanced: 5 rounds

Below, we’ve included videos on how to perform each move. Using proper form helps to prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout.

BRA BULGE & BACK FAT Workout: 5 Moves to Get Rid of Bra Fat


1. Up & Down Plank (12 reps each side)

2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

3. Kettlebell Sumo High Pull

4. One-Arm Dumbbell Row (12 reps each side)

5. Jump Squat to Shoulder Press

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