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Cellulite Busting Body Wraps-5 Keys To Losing Inches Fast!

Jump Start Your Body Shaping, Lose Weight Fast & Drop Inches Safely at Home With These Awesome Ideas!

If you are overweight, larger than you want to be and have cellulite, sometimes it feels impossible to lose weight and get rid of the lumps and bumps cellulite creates.

Cellulite is formed when fat cells become isolated from blood and lymphatic circulation and takes a boat -load of exercise, dieting and sometimes even surgery before it can be eliminated from your body.

I totally understand this entire trauma drama situation. When I was sixty plus pounds heavier, I had more lumps than an old mattress. I was miserable. I wanted to wear fun clothes, run on the beach and wear tight leggings, but I didn’t because I was too self-conscious. I know..I know; “love yourself accept your size, you are beautiful no matter how much junk you have in your trunk”! LOL.   All the psychobabble BS that people said to me when I was fat did not help me one bit. I still went home, hid in my room and binged on self-sedating sugary junk.

Cellulite Busting Body Wraps-5 Keys To Losing Inches Fast!

Fat is Dangerous

Fat contains toxins that are poisonous and combine that with a low immune system, it becomes almost deadly. When I was overweight, binging on ridiculous amounts of low nutrition foods, I got a life threatening case of chronic fatigue. It was so bad it that I started to get symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Mind you, I was only in middle school and was having the sicknesses of middle years women. My body was a metabolic mess. I did eventually work my way out of it by going through a serious detox and cleanse, changing my diet, getting more focused on positive goals and finding a mentor to help me set some goals and make a plan for my life. I even joined a networking group that met every week to keep my head in the right space for success!

Fat is Toxic

I want the same for you. I want you to rule your life with power and purpose. You can’t do it if you are fatigued, unmotivated and hiding under clothes. It’s time to break out and live life with total freedom. Fat hides who you really are. Excess subcutaneous fat is not just unsightly and it’s downright unhealthy. Excess body fat is a sign, it’s a visible alarm that’s sending you the signal that your body is not processing calories efficiently and that you’re developing toxicity in your organs. You are creating a minefield of issues that can start in your liver, thyroid, pancreas, bladder and the veins and arteries that are feeding your heart. And consider this, your SKIN is the largest organ in your body.

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To remedy this, it’s important to provide the body with detoxing and metabolic enhancing elements that help you release the toxins and expel them through sweat and urine, improve circulation, stimulate the fat burning and increase the release of fatty acids from the dimpled stores.

It has been shown to be one of the most effective, DIY Home methods for weight-loss, skin tightening and body contouring. Our natural mixture of the perfect ingredients is not only designed to detox your skin, help you lose inches for a special occasion, reduce stored fluid retention which is made worse by excess fat; it is also designed to stimulate new collagen growth, improve skin texture over time and discourage further accumulation of cellulite after each use. That is what helps make your skin tighter, more resilient and firmer. Plus the detoxification of your cells can help to make you healthier.

Cellulite Busting Body Wraps-5 Keys To Losing Inches Fast!

1) Get Serious – Make a commitment to honor your body by purifying and cleansing it of toxins, waste and damaging poisons.

  1. Decide that you are going to do a Body Wrap to help kick start your body into a good detox to help you get motivated by seeing an immediate inch loss. It will not be permanent unless you continue cleansing with Green Smoothies after your body wraps. You can get the guide here!
  2. Write it down on a calendar someplace you will see it so that you can get mentally and physically ready.
  3. Write out the reason and the goal of your wrap.

2) Get Equipped – Get your wrap materials together and get organized before you start. It is shown that when you are organized, you feel better and are more committed to the process.

  1. You need a dry brush – always dry brush your skin before you put on the cream or your won solutions
  2. Saran wrap – You want good clingy wrap that helps the solution activate faster.
  3. Waist Trainer, Cincher or compression garment– This will help you shrink your waist and other body parts.
  4. Tape Measure. Measure before and after to help assure you are doing it correctly.
  5. Extreme Slimming Gel or other solution you plan to use.
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Lightweight cotton garments to wear while you are wrapped. Do not cover your head while you are wrapped, it could cause you to over heat. You can wear clothing with your wrap, but do not wear anything that could hinder your ability to move. Do exceed an hour of being HOT! Make sure if you wear it long term (overnight), you don’t cover your entire body all at once. If you decide to wear a wrap overnight, just do one body part and make sure you are comfortable, can breathe and have water so you can stay hydrated.

WARNING: But do not do this in a sauna longer than the standard 15-minute warning on most saunas.

3) Fluid – Drink up To Flush It Out

  1. Prepare and have available, lemon water or other Low Glycemic Fruit Infused Water For Drinking. Take 2 lemons and cut up and put into a gallon of filtered or distilled water. Add stevia if you need some sweetness
  2. Drink before, during and after your wrap to help facilitate the detox and continue releasing excess toxins. Plus this helps to rehydrate skin so that it won’t get wrinkly and creepy.

4) Rest – Relax and Chill.

  1. Once you are wrapped, do not over exert yourself with activities that could cause you to overheat.
  2. Put on some music that makes you feel good. Your mental state is vital to help you stay calm and allow the wrap to work.
  3. Body Shaping. I like to have my clients do periodic isometric exercises where the body is wrapped. They are committed to getting a tighter waist or sculpted looking body parts. They wear their waist trainer or cincher after they put on the Extreme slimming Cream. Then do isometric abdominal and core exercises that help flatten the abdomen and flexing their arms and legs to create a more toned appearance.
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5) Diet – Eat healthy, natural low carb foods.

  1. Eat a clean healthy, no sugar no refined foods, no canned foods or high salt meals. Stay with green smoothies, high fiber vegetables, broths, home made soups that are lighter for the first day to assist in digestion and detoxification.
  2. Drink before, during and after your wrap to help facilitate the detox and flushing of the excess toxins. This process not only helps you look better, it is helping you be healthier.
  3. Probiotic Detox Weight Loss Tea – You can also use a probiotic detox weight loss tea. The tea is shown to help your entire digestive system reboot as you detox and the benefits are amazing. It helps you get a healthy digestive tract. Once you get the toxins released into your system, it is crucial to get t flushed out so that it doesn’t collect in your colon and create more health issues. Read more about the Probiotic Tea. Even if you don’t want it now, bookmark the page so that you can prepare your body’s immune system to become stronger. There’s an amazing medical article about women and Probiotics you should read after this post. This statement says it all! “Probiotics for women’s health has a huge future,” said Krystal Thomas-White, a PhD candidate working with Professor Alan Wolfe, Professor in Microbiology & Immunology at Loyola University Chicago Urinary Education & Research Collaborative. “It needs to be the future.” Read the article here.