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Weight Loss Smoothies – Healthy Never Tasted So Good

The concept of a weight loss shake or smoothie isn’t new. Major diet companies have popularized their versions of weight loss smoothies, but you can make your own easily enough at home and for a lot less money. Indeed, they are going to be much tastier, too, with fresh, whole ingredients and more focused recipes. Are you ready for some of those smoothie recipes?

Weight Loss Smoothies – Healthy Never Tasted So GoodOne thing you’re going to notice right away is how you can easily mix both fruits and vegetables in a tasty way. Most people know that but don’t know what vegetables and fruits go well together and for maximum weight loss. For the first smoothie recipe, bananas and spinach are going together. Would you have ever guessed? Along with the bananas and spinach, you need avocado and peanut butter. To turn those ingredients into a healthy and delicious smoothie for weight loss, you also add milk and ice cubes to the blender. That is the spinach and avocado smoothie.

You are probably still wondering what the last smoothie recipe tastes like. It is time for a more simplistic smoothie recipe and one that is a little more obvious in regards to taste and flavor. It is all about the blueberries for this smoothie, but you also need milk and flaxseed oil. The ice can be left out for this recipe.

Some of the favorites when it comes to weight loss smoothies include anything with peanut butter. The first smoothie recipe featured peanut butter, but this next recipe is iconic, a staple. However, this peanut butter and banana smoothie recipe comes with a twist, featuring two unique additional ingredients. You use the basic ingredients first, which are bananas, milk, ice and peanut butter. That is simple enough, and while there are other variations to the traditional recipe, this version calls for a little honey and some yogurt.

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A weight loss smoothie is meant to be filling. The ingredients are healthy, can be low calorie or with a focus on meal replacement and they are delicious. You can pick and choose from smoothies featuring your favorite foods and combinations, but don’t be afraid to try something new like that spinach and avocado smoothie. Who knew bananas and spinach could go well together?

Some of the smoothie recipes you try might not be a hit, but filling your days with these smoothies and staying away from bad dietary habits is going to pay off. Does a banana cream pie smoothie sound delicious to you? It is obviously going to be much healthier than eating a piece of the pie itself. This way, you can have your pie, and eat it, too.

There is surely a cake replacement recipe as well. For a banana cream pie smoothie, you need bananas, Greek yogurt, honey, vanilla extract, milk, ice and graham cracker crumbs. That one may top the peanut butter and banana smoothie for best tasting. Who thought weight loss could taste so yummy?