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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Soak Your Feet In This Powerful Baking Soda Mixture 2x Each Week To Heal Dry And Cracked Feet

Dry, cracked feet are not only unsightly, but they can be painful. The causes of cracked feet can range from dehydration to obesity, which puts excess pressure on the heels.

There are many factors working against us having the beautiful feet we have always dreamed of, including dry air, lack of moisture, shoes, workout routines,  improper foot care, prolonged standing on hard floors, unhealthy diet, aging, and more. Dry and cracked feet look unattractive and, in some cases can lead to infection and extreme pain.

As cracked skin rubs against footwear, even walking can become uncomfortable -so it’s important to know how to deal with dry, cracked heels quickly and effectively. Here is a homemade natural remedy for dry and cracked feet.

Soak Your Feet In This Powerful Baking Soda Mixture 2x Each Week To Heal Dry And Cracked Feet

  • 4-5l warm water
  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • soft scrub sponge/brush/pumice stone
  • moisturizer
  • Oil lavender (optional)
How To Prepare

Pour soda into a bucket of water and stir the water until the soda is dissolved. Add a few drops of lavender oil! Soak your feet in a barrel with water for about 15-20 minutes. When you are done, use the scrub brush, sponge or pumice and thoroughly rub the underside of the foot.

Next, put your feet in the moisturizer that has a high content of glycerin, or coconut oil. You must wear socks on the feet. If you do this process before going to bed, leave the socks on your feet during the night. Repeat this process 1-2 times a week.

See also  Home Remedies for Styes