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How to get white teeth fast and naturally

A tooth color depends on the composition and structure, the thickness of each tissue in which it is established. Yellowing of teeth can be substances that stain the enamel and plaque buildup. One of the most effective natural remedies for teeth whitening is baking soda. This solution is very cheap and thee of abrasive substances often used to whiten teeth that may affect enamel strong enough. Baking soda removes stains and imperfections of tooth enamel making teeth brighter.

For this you need two small pieces of aluminum foil, 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of toothpaste. Mix good the baking soda and toothpaste, then lubricate pieces of aluminum with solution obtained. The bands should be made with natural bleach, then your teeth for 30 minutes. Once you get off, wash your teeth and enjoy the effects achieved. Do not use this medicine more than once a week. Besides this natural remedy for teeth whitening, you have to consider and other rules, if you want to have healthy teeth. You should give up black tea, coffee or red wine, because these products contain substances that stain teeth. If, however, you eat, wash your teeth every time. Particular attention should you give and your tongue. Clean it well, if you want to get rid of bacteria and have fresh breath. Raw carrots, celery APIO, apples or popcorn are foods that you clean teeth. Eat them at the end of each meal and you disposed of your teeth.

Turmeric is the most effective natural teeth whitening ingredient, which in addition has other qualities: it is a powerful antimicrobial and kills the bacteria that lead to tooth decay or gum disease to develop different. Stores your searches in order to find the most effective teeth whitening product can end. Turmeric powder can discolor teeth yellowed with at least a hint. Asian spice turmeric is not only delicious but also very healthy, which has antioxidant properties. Therefore, it can be used in case of inflammation and clinical trials of this product showed that turmeric has healing qualities and serious conditions such as cancer. Also, it can be a reliable aid in the detoxification of the body. But the beneficial properties of turmeric does not stop there. Among other uses, golden-yellow spice has proven highly effective in the treatment of gum problems and tooth whitening. To get to the dentist that you can recommend all sorts of new ways of whitening, try the following remedy that has no side effects, such as weakening of tooth enamel.

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The yellow powder stain almost anything ingredient makes your teeth the whitest possible. I found an old recipe and said that, since this is one of my favorite spice, you must try the recipe. For this you need to mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with enough water to get a paste and a few drops of coconut oil. Rub the teeth with a brush or your finger for 2 minutes, for optimum effect. If you choose to use toothbrush, you should buy one specifically for this procedure because it has tarnished because turmeric has a very intense yellow pigment. All turmeric can be used for the preparation of a natural mouthwash. Put a little turmeric powder in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this solution. Turmeric can also be mixed with baking soda and coconut oil for potentiate the effect of whitening.

How to get white teeth fast and naturally