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Best Chinese Manga

Top 8 Best Chinese Manga

  • 全职高手(The King’s Avatar)


Widely regarded as a trailblazer and top-tier professional player in the online multiplayer game “Glory,” Ye Xiu is dubbed the “Battle God” for his skills and contributions to the game over the years. However, when forced to retire from the team and to leave his gaming career behind, he finds work at a nearby internet café. There, when Glory launches its 10th server, he throws himself into the game once more using a new character named “Lord Grim.”

Ye Xiu’s early achievements on the new server immediately catch the attention of many players, as well as the big guilds, leaving them to wonder about the identity of this exceptional player. However, while he possesses 10 years of experience and in-depth knowledge, starting afresh with neither sponsors nor a team in a game that has changed over the years presents numerous challenges. Along with talented new comrades, Ye Xiu once again dedicates himself to traversing the path to Glory’s summit!


Based on The King’s Avatar (全职高手) a Chinese web serial novel with physical light novel releases. Written by Butterfly Blue (蝴蝶蓝) about esports. It received the title for Best Work in 2013 and is the first and only 1000 Pledged Work on Qi Dian.

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