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6 Tips to Buying During Summer Wear Sale

Isn’t it always a pleasure when you know what you set out to
buy goes for a certain rate and then when you reach there you find that it is
on sale? You get to save money or buy more things you need. A lot of people do
not know it but you can actually time these sales to perfection. Below are 6
tips to buying during summer wear sale that will help you save lots of money.

6 Tips to Buying During Summer Wear Sale

The 6 – 8 Weeks Rule

This is not a rule per se but typically, a majority of
stores will exchange the items that have been on display for 6 – 8 weeks and
replace them with new ones. The ones that were pushed further back from display
are then placed in their sales or clearance sections. If you know that a store
just put up their newest display then you can be sure they have a clearance
section. If what you want just went up on display then wait for 6 – 8 weeks and
then come back for it.

Shop on Thursdays

This tip will work not only for a summer clearance but throughout the year. In retail, stores get a
majority of their customers on the weekend for obvious reasons. They therefore
begin preparing the new displays and clearance sections before the weekend rush
is upon them. Thursday is therefore the best day as you will get the clearance
prices of Saturday but in addition to this, you will also have a wider
selection than Friday or Saturday.

Engage the Staff

There is nothing as bad as sticking to these summer wear sale only to get to the
store and find that the specific item is not in your size or it is no longer in
their stock. Do not just turn around and leave. Ask the staff on duty if they
may have what you want/need in one of their other stores.

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Verify Return

As much as it is always great to save money on a clearance
sale, it really is of no use if you get home only to find that your chosen item
does not fit whomever it was destined for. In a lot of cases most clearance
sales do not come with a return guarantee but you may find others that offer a
shorter timeframe for the return or even store credit instead.

Time the End of the

Shopping when the season is coming to an end is a great way
to get cheaper items. For instance, if you shop for summer clothes one month
before the end of summer they will be way cheaper than right at the beginning
of the season. If you are like some who keep the wardrobe for the next year it
is always a great way to save money. If not, you still have another month to
look sharp in your new clothes when everybody else does not.

Know When to Turn

are some items that hold their price quite steady regardless of season. For
instance if it is a newly released designer shirt, it may not necessarily go
down in price after 8 weeks. You can also look online for women’s summer clothes on sale .