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5 essential tips to choose shoes for kids

As parents, we always want to choose the best for our kids. And, that is true for their clothes and accessories as well.  Kids are always on their feet and very active whenever they are up. Hence, a good and comfortable pair of shoes is very important.

5 essential tips to choose shoes for kids

Shoes for kids should be properly chosen so that they do not feel discomfort and they can easily move around in them. For kids, their foot size increases quickly until a certain age. So, shoes also keep getting older too soon.

There are a lot of factors that you need to keep in mind while purchasing shoes for kids. Here are a few important ones:

The Material: The material is very important when it comes to shoes, not only for kids, but also for adults. It should be breathable and comfortable to wear. It also depends on the weather. For the rainy season, choose material which does not soak water too much. For summers, opt for material which doesn’t make their feet too sweaty. The inner material should be soft and not too hard, especially for smaller kids.

Check out these pink shoes in comfortable material for the summers available on Firstcry for INR 859.

The Right Fit: The right fit is very important for shoes. Do not buy the ones which are too tight as it might impact the foot structure and also the walking style of your child. Shoes should be bigger and spacious enough so that the fingers can properly fit. Kids spend a lot of time wearing shoes at school, so take special care of what shoes they wear.

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5 essential tips to choose shoes for kids

These are available on Hopscotch for INR 449.

The Structure: Make your kids wear flat shoes rather than ones with heels or high soles. The inner part should be soft enough. Choose footwear according to your kid’s foot structure and not just because they are trendy and fashionable.

5 essential tips to choose shoes for kids

These comfortable sandals are available on Amazon for INR 399.

The Brand: Brands play an important role while choosing footwear for kids. Do not purchase cheap brands which starts getting bad after some time. Opt for good brands which are known for kid’s shoes. Some might be a bit expensive, but they will definitely be comfortable for your child if they suit them.

5 essential tips to choose shoes for kids

These Crocs are available on Snapdeal at INR 1495.

The Usage: Finally, change shoes at regular intervals. Keep a check when they are about to get worn out. The durability is also a major aspect for choosing kid’s shoes. They use it extensively, so make sure you have the right shoe for the right activity.

5 essential tips to choose shoes for kids

These polka dot cuties are available on MyBabyCart for INR 1300

As a parent, you need to pay attention to the kind of shoes your kid is wearing on different occasions as well. A wrong footwear can damage the structure of the kid’s feet at the tender age and might cause certain leg ailments as well.  For example, make them wear sports shoes when they are out playing or running. Else, they can wear flip-flops or floaters as well.

5 essential tips to choose shoes for kids

Take care of their tiny feet when they are growing as they need to take some big steps, ahead in life!

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