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Windows 10 Creator Update: 8 Best New Features

Finally the next big update of windows 10 is here and it is known as windows 10 creators update. This update brings lots of new features to the table including new 3d paint, enhanced gaming mode, dynamic lock screen and many more. These new features and tools are very creator specific which justifies the name.

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  • Game Mode

The very first feature which is worth mentioning is the new game mode. Now windows 10 has a dedicated game mode which shift system resources away from other processes to your game. Now in the setting menu there is a dedicated Game Mode option. In gaming section there are several options that lets you control the Game bar that pops up when you hit Windows key + G, Game DVR options, and the new Broadcasting capability. Whether it’ll make a huge difference to game performance isn’t yet certain.

  • Paint 3d

Windows 10 creator update has also added a new paint 3d app that lets you build and edit 3D objects from a set of primitive and pre built shaped and then apply 2D images and textures to them. But as of now this work flow is very new to me so I don’t know much about this app yet.

Taking flat images and putting them into 3D shapes is quite fun to play with. The other feature of this app include sharing your creations with other on and the app also supports 3D printing which is really cool.

  • Edge (Tab Tool)

One of the biggest changes and features are added in the EDGE browser. The Edge browser now has some new tricks which include a new tab tool. Now you can navigate through current tabs by expanding the page view option, you can also collect tabs for later use, this will basically remove their load from the PC while you are not using then but don’t worry you will not lose those tabs. It also has some new features like default flash blocker and Microsoft wallet for online purchase.

  • Dynamic Lock

A new feature called dynamic lock has been introduced in this creator update, this basically uses the Bluetooth signal of your smartphone to tell whether you are sitting in front of your PC or not. If you take away your phone then it will automatically lock you PC after few minutes by sensing the Bluetooth signal of your device. Now this sounds quite similar to a feature found in iMac.

  • Night Light

A display is basically made up of RGB matrix and it emits a blue light which has been found to interfere with sleep. So to overcome this Windows 10 now has a Night Light feature which reduces the amount of blue light. This trigger automatically after sunset but you can configure custom hours and you also have the option to set the colour temperature according to your liking. You can access this feature directly from the action centre.

  • Start menu folders

Back in windows 8 when the app tiles were introduced I personally didn’t liked it, but over the time Microsoft made lots of changes and now with this creator update you have the ability create folders to keep apps organized inside the start menu. You just have to drag any app over the other app to create a folder and I think it looks way better than the previous one.

  • Windows themes & Custom Accents

Now if you go through the settings menu then personalization here you will find an option called theme which will basically change your background, colour, sound and cursor.

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Now you can directly download themes from the stores there are tons and tons of free themes to choose from.

Beside that now you also have the ability to change the accent colour and I think it’s a very nice feature that will allow the user to customize the look of windows 10 to match a particular wallpaper or preference.

  • Windows defender update

The windows defender has also received a major redesigned along with new scanning option. If you go through the new windows defender app you will find option are more sorted now. If you click on the menu option then you will find some new options along with some old ones. My personal favourite is this family option which lets you to set screen time habits, keep track of your child digital life, let your kid buy to appropriate games and many more.