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Get Android Oreo Featurs & Look On Any Android Without Root

Like every major Android update, Android tends to add lots of cool new features and changes to the table, and now as we all know that Android Oreo is the next big update of Android OS. But for the time being this update is only rolling out for pixel and nexus devices and we have to wait long for this update to hit our devices.

But if you guys are impatient enough to try out some of the cool new Android Oreo features on your devices right now without rooting your device then you are at right place.

Excited so let’s get started.

Get Android Oreo Featurs & Look On Any Android Without Root

The very first thing that you notice when you look at a phone’s interface is the launcher, and the android Oreo comes with the Same pixel launcher that was introduced last year. But this time they have done some improvements like now you will have something called notification dots that will basically allow users to see notifications they’ve missed without pulling down the drop-down menu from the top of your screen. Additionally, a long-press on an app with a Notification Dot will open a menu that looks like 3D Touch of those missed notifications. To get this you simply have to install an APK file of Android O launcher.

All the download Link is in the description box of Video

  • Adaptive Icons

Another great feature that is introduced in Android Oreo is called the adaptive icons through which you can change the icons into different shapes and you can get the same feature using an app called Adapticons.

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Adapticons is pretty flexible. You can resize the shape or the icon within, and rotate the shape to get exactly the look you鈥檙e going for. You can also fill the shape with colour, or turn in monochrome, as well as replacing the original app icon with something entirely different.

The only downside to Adapticons is that it doesn’t actually apply your customizations systemwide ’though without root access, that’s to be expected. Instead, the new icon shows up directly on your home screen once you鈥檙e finished in the app, and if you accidentally remove it from your home screen you’ll need to start all over again.

Now for the wallpaper you can use the download link from description down below and just apply it. Now if you take a closer look over your home screen and the android Oreo home screen then you will find it look almost identical and to achieve this you haven’t rooted your devices.

  • Picture-in-Picture Mode

Now let’s move forward and get the so-called picture in picture mode of Android Oreo which basically lets you play YouTube videos on a floating window while you are multi-tasking.

You can get this feature by just installing an app called floating tube from the play store and for this you don’t need to be rooted. You can simply trigger the floating window by just opening the app and playing any video. After using this app, I was pretty surprise that how well it works, you can also move the floating window anywhere you like and you can also resize it.

  • Snooze Notification
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Another cool feature that Android Oreo introduced is the Snooze notification. Whenever you receive a notification just swipe the notification to right and tap this clock icon to snooze the notification. This will make the message go away for 15 minutes, then come right back when the time is up and I find this feature very handy if you get lots of notification throughout the day just like me.

You can also get this feature or I should say kind of, by using an app called NHistory you can snooze your notifications. For instance, if you get a notification and you don’t want to check out it yet, so just tap this to view the history and from here you can snooze the notification for whatever time you like or you can also set a custom time for that notification.

  • Navigation Bar

Now there is also a non-rooted method to get the android O navigation button in case you are interested. To get that install an app called pixel navigation bar from play store. Once installed open the app and activate it.

Now from here you just have to align and resize all the 3 keys to fit the screen just like this, once done you can see the difference that now it looks quite similar to android O Navigation bar.

  • Automatically Enable Wi-Fi

With every major update Android is trying to improve the Android experience by implementing lots of new features, this time they have added a feature that will automatically enable your wi-fi when you are in a range of any saved network isn’t cool.

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And the good news is that you can get this feature too by installing an app called Smart Wi-Fi Toggler which is a free app. After you have install this app go through with the initial setup and all you need to do is start the service. This app learns your behaviour and improves its accuracy with time. This app can even turn off your Wi-Fi when you move away from a saved network.

So, guys there are some Android Oreo exclusive features that you can get right now on your Android devices and the best thing is that you don’t need to be rooted.

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