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How to share files effortlessly on the non-microSD Xiaomi Mi5?

For its price tag, Xiaomi Mi5 is one of the most affordable smartphones around that carry a Snapdragon 820. However, its lack of expandable complicates things for the user, especially if they end up purchasing the base storage model, which to refresh your memory, is 32GB. However, things do not have to look too bleak for you and your storage, especially when there are several storage services to choose from. One file transfer service that we have grown to love is PlusTransfer .

PlusTransfer is just like using WeTransfer, but the only difference here is that Plus Transfer gives you more freedom to send larger files to recipients. The maximum capacity that you can send in a given time is 5GB and there is absolutely no limit to how many files you can send in a single transfer session; as long as those files fall within the 5GB limit, you鈥檙e good to go.

How to share files effortlessly on the non-microSD Xiaomi Mi5?

It is recommended however, that you have a speedy internet connection installed, because a faster ISP will guarantee that the files are uploaded at a faster rate. The service has also stated that there are no limits to sending files:

鈥淪end an unlimited number of large files to any number of friends. Transfer big files for free across town or to the other side of the world. Email large files with ease. Send large files via an easy online platform where no signing up is required. Send large files to more than one recipient or transfer a number of different large files to the same person. Whether you need to transfer your files to your next-door neighbor or to a client overseas, the technology at Plustransfer makes any large file transfer a piece of cake. Large file transfer service, offered by PlusTransfer, is free to access and use for everyone. Sending large files with great ease.’/p>

If you want to send larger attachments from your Xiaomi Mi5 to other phones, then we highly recommend that you give PlusTransfer a try. It is completely free to use and it’s thoroughly convenient.

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