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5 Best Skin Care Products For Acne: How to prevent acne break up?

When it comes to the best skin care products for acne that can help prevent acne breakup, the matter of what can work
and what can’t is still debatable. Most of the time, you will be told to try
this product, or not try that, and other people even believe that all the
products don’t work.  It can actually be
challenging for you to know which skin care product is the best for your skin.The truth is that acne has
no miracle treatment, and the condition can be caused by quite a number of
factors. This includes gut imbalance, hormonal changes, sensitivity to some
foods and imbalanced diet. You also need to note that there are quite a number
of natural products used to treat acne. This article discusses about the top 5
natural acne prevention products.


One reason why the skin always reacts is due to imbalance or
inflammation in the gut bacteria. The gut and skin actually have a more
prominent relationship. If high level of good bacteria is maintained in the
gut, it can help reduce inflammation. Probiotic is one of the skin care products known to reduce
inflammation and encourage overpopulation of good bacteria in the gut. They are
especially important if you are on antibiotic medication.

Vitex /chaste

Also referred to as Agnus Castus.  The most common herb known by many and has been
in use since the ancient years to treat female reproductive system disorders.  Chaste bery contains important components
including progesterone, testosterone and hydro progesterone. These components
are known to fight acne breakout in both males and females.  What you need to know is that the herb should
be taken for at least a month for results to appear. But since it is a natural
acne treatment, it is one of the most recommended products for acne.

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Vitamin A

The antibiotic, also referred to as natural Accutane helps in acne
cells shedding. It ensures that the cells are clear by getting rid of excess
cells, which are known to clog the pores, leading to acne breakout. Besides,
vitamin A also has anti-oxidant properties that help reduce swelling and redness.

5 Best Skin Care Products For Acne: How to prevent acne break up?

Omega 3s

Found in considerable amounts in avocados and fish.  They consist of healthy fats that can help
fight acne breakouts.  They also help
reduce inflammation through restricting production of a molecule known to cause


Study indicates that people with lower zinc level in the body are
prone to acne breakouts. It is therefore important to strengthen your immune
system against acne by using zinc supplements. Zinc helps in getting rid of
acne causing bacteria. It also a powerful anti-oxidant and helps reduce
inflammation. It reduces the effects caused by hormones on the skin, thus
limiting the factors that can lead to acne breakouts.

Face acne is one of the most annoying thing that can happen and
most of the time, it lowers a person’s self-esteem. The good thing is that the
above skin care products are very
effective in acne prevention and considering that they are natural, they do not
have adverse effects on the skin.