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How to choose your night dresses

After a hectic day at work, all we want is a fitful night’s sleep.
However getting to sleep soundly is an illusion and a lot of factors come into
play. Even after creating the perfect temperature, environment and light, the
choice of our night dress does not allow us to sleep contently. Here we
bring to you some essential tips that can help you choose the perfect night
for yourself.

Fabric– The most important thing that you need to
keep into consideration is which fabric you want to choose. Silk as a fabric is
soft and pleasing but will you be able to sleep in it? However, silk can be a good fabric to wear in winters as it keeps
the warmth intact. Cotton, on the other hand, is relaxing but not very good at
temperature regulation. Also if you sweat at night then cotton pyjamas night
may aggravate your problem further. If you are living in colder climate then wool and fleece night
dresses can be an option provided you do not feel suffocated because of extra
warmth provided.

How to choose your night dresses

The fit of the nightdress
Your night dress should not be very loose neither should it be very tight.
Loose pyjamas can easily move around your body and if your dress is too tight
then the buttons, zip etc. can be a big trouble. The elastic of the pant can be
a problem too as it may stop the circulation of blood and cause a discomfort.
Whatever size of dress you usually choose for regular wear you should buy a nightdress one size more than that.

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How to choose your night dresses

Usage– Supposing you are looking for a nightdress for regular wear in the night then
you can look for easy to wear nighties or night suits. However, if your purchase is being made because you are getting
married and need to buy bridal night dress then the factors to be kept
in mind would change. For married women,rich colours like red and maroon will steal the heart of their partner. Apart
from that, you should invest your money
in sexy looking 2 piece night dresses which are enticing and attractive.

How to choose your night dresses

Length of
the nightdress
– If you are single and want a comfy nightwear then you can opt for knee length night
. Same for women who are just getting married. For summers you can
wear nightdresses with shorts as they
would keep your body cool. However, in winters, it is best if you choose a full-length night dresses, otherwise, it would be difficult for you
to retain the warmth.

How to choose your night dresses

Wanting to buy a proper night dress
above mentioned are tips that you can follow. Just remember that whatever dress
you purchase should fit your body conveniently. If need be, you can even try and
wear the night dress to see if it matches your size requirements. Don’t hurry
and satisfy yourself completely before opting to buy a night dress. Not being
careful can really spoil your precious night sleep something we are sure you
would not want. A good night’s sleep guarantees you feeling fresh in the