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DIY: Perfume Bottles

DIY: Perfume Bottles

These pretty perfume bottles from our DIY contributor Christy of One Handspun Day only take a few minutes to craft and can be customized in so many different ways. Switch up the beads, add hanging tags with swirling calligraphy, tie a piece of velvet ribbon around them, attach beads to the glass bottle, or embellish in any other way that catches your fancy! And wouldn’t these be fun to have as part of a DIY perfume bar for your maids to mix up their own fragrance as a thank you gift?

DIY: Perfume Bottles

• Glass bottles
• Assorted crystal beads
• Bead pins and caps
• Needle-Nose Pliers
• Glass paint (optional)

DIY: Perfume Bottles

Step One: Make the bottle topper
Thread a bead pin through the hole of a teardrop crystal bead and loop it a couple of times, pulling tightly to hold in place. If the bead is round then thread a bead cap onto it before adding the bead.

DIY: Perfume Bottles

Step Two: Attach the bottle topper
Remove the cork from the glass bottle and position a bead cap on top of the cork. Push a pin all the way through the center to create a hole in the cork. Thread the bead pin through the hole and twist the end tightly to hold the bead topper in place.

DIY: Perfume Bottles

Step Three: Embellish with glass paint
Add embellishments to the bottle using glass paint. You can create any type of design, but I found that lines of dots made a lovely texture and were easy to draw.

Step Four: Fill with a handmade perfume or any other liquid of your choice – I chose to fill mine with fresh rose water, which I made by following this tutorial from Roost blog.

See also  DIY: Silk Flower Boutonnieres

DIY: Perfume Bottles

So pretty, right? And easy to make which of course I love!

DIY created by Christy of One Handspun Day exclusively for Green Wedding Shoes. Check out more of her designs at One Handspun Day !