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DIY: Summer Floral Boutonniere

DIY: Summer Floral Boutonniere

We’ve been on a flower kick lately for the summer, and you may even recognize some of these blooms from our Seasonal Flower Guide: Summer , so it’s only fitting we share a DIY summer boutonniere that you can easily make for your guy and his dudes for your wedding day! Erin from Dandelion & Grey is sharing how to make these beauties, so lets see how she did it!

DIY: Summer Floral Boutonniere

What You’ll Need:
• Fresh Flowers (from left to right) Pittosporum, Leucadendron Jubilee Crown, Freesia, Snow on the Mountain, Blushing Bride Protea, Lisianthus
• Clippers
• Floral Tape
• Ribbon
• Boutonniere Pins

Gather your materials. When crafting a boutonnière, it’s a good ideas to mix several different textural elements in varying shades + sizes to create visual interest. Here, Lisianthus + Blushing Bride Protea were used as the focal flowers, with Pittosporum, Freesia, Leucadendron Jubilee Crown, and Snow on the Mountain acting as backing + accents.

DIY: Summer Floral Boutonniere

Step 1: Choose your focal flower + bunch together your ingredients until you are happy with the result, layering to create depth + height. Trim the end of the stems so they are all the same length.

Step 2: Wrap the different elements together using floral tape. We wrapped the tape almost all the way to the end of the stem, but if you prefer a different look, with more of the stem showing, wrap only a few times around the stem + leave the rest exposed.

DIY: Summer Floral Boutonniere

Step 3: Finish your boutonnière with ribbon. Wrap the stems to cover all of the floral tape + tie in a simple knot or wrap and dot with a glue gun for a cleaner look.


DIY: Summer Floral Boutonniere

Seems like an easy + fun DIY, right?! We love the three different variations Erin created using different focal flowers + fillers!

If you make your own boutonniere, we’d love to see how it turns out, so please share on Instagram along with the hashtag #GreenWeddingShoesDIY

Thanks so much to Gregory Ross for the photos.

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DIY: Summer Floral Boutonniere

Greg Ross

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