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DIY: Winter Flower Crown

DIY: Winter Flower Crown

Did you love the winter flower crown from the cozy winter inspiration we shared earlier today? I know I did and I asked Recycled Love Story if she could share how she made it. For you lovely winter brides who love the look of a flower crown, this is perfect for your winter wedding. 🙂 Thanks so much to Megan Hayes for the photos!

What You’ll Need:
• Florist Scissors
• Wire Cutters
• Hot Glue Gun
• Needle Nose Pliers
• Floral wire
• Floral tape
• 2-3 thin branches with leaves for crown base (approx. 1.5ft each)
• 2-3 Large flowers
• 8-10 small flowers/buds/pods
Green filler

This crown uses ‘Heart’ roses, dahlias, scabiosa, spray roses, berzillia, and evergreen branches.

DIY: Winter Flower Crown

1. Start with your thin branches – since it was a winter theme I chose evergreen, however you could use any thin, flexible branches such as seeded eucalyptus or curly willow.
2. Using your head as a guide, wire the branches together to create a base for the floral crown. Discreetly wire under the greens so the wire is hidden. It is important to determine the side you want the flowers to be on so you can construct it intentionally.
3. Trim some of the unnecessary pieces and use hot glue to secure some of the stray pieces just to tidy up the base before you start adding flowers. You will do a final pruning once all the flowers are in place.

DIY: Winter Flower Crown

4. Now start creating some smaller boutonniere-like clusters of small flowers, buds, pods and more greens. Secure their stems with floral tape and then wire them in place on the crown. I usually do a couple groupings of smaller flowers and then add the larger blooms in order to create a gradual increase and decrease.

See also  DIY: Flower Crown

DIY: Winter Flower Crown

5. Next determine how you want your larger blooms to lay on the crown. Once placement is determined, wrap each stem individually with floral tape and then wire them individually to the crown.

DIY: Winter Flower Crown

6. Add another couple clusters of smaller blooms to finish off that side.
DIY: Winter Flower Crown

7. Add anymore blooms necessary to complete the look you want and give any stray pieces a final trim.

DIY: Winter Flower Crown

DIY: Winter Flower Crown

So pretty right? If you make one of our DIY projects, we’d love to see how it turned out so be sure to share with us on Instagram using the hashtag #GreenWeddingShoesDIY. Happy Crafting!!