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New users get $4 AliExpress Coupons March 2018

Here is $4 AliExpress Coupon which can exclusively be used above US $20.00 order. Valid: 22/03/2018~ 01/04/2018

Aliexpress is a B2C e-Commerce platform which allows Chinese individuals and companies to sell their products directly to global consumers. Probably it’s the cheapest of all Chinese shopping platform like GearBest , Newegg etc.

Most of the products are available for free shipping but they do take months to deliver. You can pay extra for fast shipping plan. If the packages get lost you can always contact sellers give you refund or send a new one. I have rarely seen stories about sellers who refused to do that. If you got broken one you can take a picture and get refund for broken or even unsatisfactory products.

The quality of the products are sometimes extraordinary even for the cheapest price.

Here is some tips for shopping on Aliexpress: Research before ordering anything by reading reviews, asking for more product pictures and other info from buyers.

See more aboout : Is It Safe To Buy From AliExpress?

New users get $4 AliExpress Coupons March 2018

Coupons Rules:

1. Coupons must be claimed and applied to orders within the specified promotional period.

2. Coupons can be applied to regular item orders on the AliExpress Marketplace unless otherwise specified. If a coupon has a minimum purchase requirement, the amount of the order must be equal to or greater than the minimum order price.

3. Specific coupon usage rules vary by promotion – please refer to relevant promotions for additional details.

4. Coupons are eligible for use on combined orders.

5. Coupons cannot be transferred to other members or third parties.

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6. In the case of any violations of the promotional rules of the AliExpress Marketplace or other laws and regulations, retains the right to disqualify or invalidate AliExpress coupons.