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8 Summer Makeup Lazy Hacks To Transform Your Makeup Game

8 Summer Makeup Lazy Hacks To Transform Your Makeup Game

Summer is finally here and so are its frills—
pool parties, bonfires, BBQs, day out at a nearby beach, and what not! However,
with it, comes the sticky weather that we
all despise, as it takes a toll on our hair and skin. For a lazy girl, like you,
it’s more of crazy summer days instead of the sizzling ones. What if it turns into
the latter? Here is a roundup of eight summer
makeup lazy hacks for the lethargic side in you—

1.    Vinegar And Baby Powder
Can Do Wonders For Your Hair

8 Summer Makeup Lazy Hacks To Transform Your Makeup Game

Don’t be baffled by this incredible summer hair hacks. Makeup doesn’t
always mean your lovely face but it spreads down to nails and hair. Yes, you
heard it right. So to keep it from fading because of the blazing sun, blend apple
cider with vinegar, store it in a bottle, and spray some of it to hair. Rinse
it off only after leaving it for full 10 minutes.

Tick it off your list this summer, but what
about greasy hair? Waking up early in the morning and leaving for office for a
workaholic woman, implies how pressed for time she actually is! So before going
off to bed, sprinkle somebaby powder on the roots of hair to soak up the excess oil. This way, the
snappy side of you will never show up on face.

2.    Wipe Off The Grease From Face
Using Toilet Seat Covers

Sweaty upper lips, oily skin and greasy
face problems are common during the summer months, and for lazybones, it’s really troublesome. Trust the toilet
seat covers at such times. Pull one from
your bathroom and dab it on skin to use it as a blotting sheet. Surprised, are you? It’s actually the best way to get rid
of the excess oil.

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3.    Replace Heavy Foundation With
A Magical BB/ CC Cream

8 Summer Makeup Lazy Hacks To Transform Your Makeup Game

When the temperature soars up, switch from
a foundation and all sorts of colour enhancing rouge or blushers to a BBor CC cream . This way, you will save a lot of time, and flaunt a flawless
skin, without it melting off even when you sweat.

4.    Turn Mascara Into An Eyeliner!

Running out of liquid eyeliner situation
can be nicely dealt without even visiting the store on a hot and sultry day.
How? Borrow some formula from your mascara. If the same mascara turns clumpy,
soak the bottle in hot water to liquefy it.

5.    Bronzer As An Eyeshadow In Summer

Replace eyeshadowwith a bronzer to lend all that glimmer to your eyes. Try this summer makeup lazy hacks at least once
to see the magic!

6.    Save Yourself From
Reapplying Makeup

8 Summer Makeup Lazy Hacks To Transform Your Makeup Game

Makeup melting off is an everyday affair
with the sweltering heat leaving you all sweaty and winded. Grab a setting spray and squirt
it on face to keep your makeup locked up.

7.    Cold Water For Drying,
Post Paint Job

8 Summer Makeup Lazy Hacks To Transform Your Makeup Game

This one is for super lazy women out there,
who loathe long waits after applying nail polishes. To cut you off the trouble,
here is a remedy. Dip fingers in cold water to let it dry instantly. To save
yourself from rubbing off excess polish around nails, you can also put on some
glue right before applying your nail polish and peel it off once it dries.

8.    Glitter Ombre Effect To
Hide An Overgrown Manicure

A chipped manicure is best covered with glitter,
just at the base of nails. So if you are feeling lazy on a typical summer
weekend, pull it off by imparting that glitter ombre effect, without having to
re-paint your nails.

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Around In Summer Time, And Still Look Stunning!

With the warm season on, this article can
turn out to be a lazy girl’s summer guide. Follow these summer beauty hacks and communicate them to your circle of friends,
who are as indolent as you. Let them enjoy this time of the year without making
much of efforts.