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6 personal care products for men and women

Both men and women need some high quality
personal care products suitable for their bodies. Women have soft and delicate
skin and thus need gentle products while men require some really high end
products. From colognes to shampoos and from lotions to scrubs, here are the 6
best personal care products for men
and women for this season.

1.Scotch Porter Charcoal and Licorice Exfoliating Face Scrub

This amazing face scrub is available under $20
and is a high impact facial scrub for the rough and tough skin of men.  With a dazzling packaging and perfect blend
of ingredients like turmeric, licorice root, green tea, and some stances of
charcoal which makes it a natural and organic scrub. These ingredients are highly anti bacterial and will help your skin
detox. Use this organic facial scrub and make your skin free from bacteria and
other skin issues.

6 personal care products for men and women

2.Bliss Body Butter lotion

Our skin is quite delicate and requires intense
moisture and hydration during any season. For summers, winters or monsoon, you
will require an intense repair and hydrating lotion that can rejuvenate and
nourish your skin. This anti-oxidant rich lotion is filled with Shea butter,
coconut oil and algae extracts to nurture your skin. Try this lotion and keep
your skin fresh and every glowing.

6 personal care products for men and women

3.ULTRAX labs hair surge – caffeine hair loss hair growth stimulating

This is a very gentle and effective shampoo
which works for both men and women. The caffeine rich formula helps in
stimulating hair growth and prevents hair loss. It makes your hair roots strong
and improves your hair quality with each use. Try this intense repair
conditioning shampoo and this will strengthen your hair as never before.

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6 personal care products for men and women

4.Dior Homme Intense

Dior is a renowned name in the world of Personal care products brands due to the high quality products it launches. This
amazing cologne comes with the mesmerising fragrances of lavender, vetiver,
Virginia Cedar, Iris, Ambrette and Pear. This is perfect cologne for date
nights, parties and for evening events. This long lasting cologne will simply
make you feel fresh and active all the way long.  Try this rich and intense cologne.

6 personal care products for men and women

5.Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub

If you are looking for a cost effective and
high quality scrub that can clean up your pores and make your skin feel super
smooth, here is a scrub to your rescue. Our skin gets affected with pores, dark
spots, dust particles and a lot of anomalies. To remove these dirt agents, you
will require a strong and high quality cleaning element. This scrub is made up
of salicylic acid and moisturizing ingredients perfect to rejuvenate any skin

6 personal care products for men and women

6.Neutrogena healthy skin anti wrinkle retinol night cream treatment

Neutrogena offers some of the highest end anti
aging products and especially the night creams from Neutrogena are highly
promising. This amazing night cream helps in preventing wrinkles and different
signs of aging. Applying this cream at night will help your skin get tight and
smooth. It will also hydrate your skin and make it look young and fresh.

These are the best personal care products for men and women . Everyone should choose their personal care products
keeping in mind their skin type and various factors. Choosing the right product
will simply help you acquire the benefits of the product more effectively.

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