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4 Tips On Athletic Shoes To Find The Right Fit

Gone are the days when we had only two giant brands making athletic shoes. Today you can walk into
a store and find more than a thousand options to choose from. Despite the
myriads of options that you have, you need to put a lot of consideration in how
you pick the best athletic shoes for
you. If not done properly, one can end up with shin splits and heel pain from
walking or running in the wrong shoes. Taking the time to choose properly can
also mean that you will be increasing your performance in the long run.

Below are some tips and tricks to set you off on the right

4 Tips On Athletic Shoes To Find The Right Fit

Shop after your
athletic routine

Whether or not you are going through an athletic routine,
your feet will start swelling when you get out of bed and put pressure on them
until somewhere in the middle of the day. This means that at the end of the day
when you are done with your athletic routine, your fit will be considerably
larger than they were when you started. The best time for you to ensure you
have the athletic shoes will
therefore be to try them on after the workout instead of any other time.

4 Tips On Athletic Shoes To Find The Right Fit

Ensuring enough space

Even after you have decided to try out the shoes after your
workout routine, you still need to make sure you have enough space in them. You
may have fit into the shoes after the workout swelling that occurs but you
still need to ensure that you have room to wiggle your toes in that swollen
condition. A good way to make sure you never go wrong is to have about a
thumb’s width of space from the end of the inside of your shoe to the tip of your
longest toe.

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Get the right athletic
shoe for the right activity

For many athletes, one of the best ways to ensure their
routines do not wear them out is to mix it up with other activities every now
and then. Having the best pair of shoes for your running does not however, mean
that you have the best pair of shoes for a tennis game. Invest in the right
shoe for each activity and carry multiple pairs with you if you have to.

Getting the Heel

While you may have already left some space at the front of
your athletic shoes , you still need
to ensure you get the back right as well. You do not want the back too tight
around the heel as if there is no movement, however little, the shoes will
cause irritation. To make sure you get it right, lace up the shoe and try to
slip out your foot without too much or too little effort.

As much as every store does their best to hire staff that is
highly knowledgeable in the products that they are selling, this is not a rule
of thumb and even if it was, rules are always being broken every now and then.
It is up to you to bring yourself up to speed with what works in your best