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10 Easy Ways To Straighten Your Hair Naturally

Straight hair is convenient and stylish and is never out of
fashion. But, the problem is the tools used for hair straightening’s, such as
heat straighteners and other chemical products harm your hair. In the long run,
they even damage your hair to such an extent and you end up with straight hair
that is not so beautiful as the way it used to be. Fortunately, we have a few
methods that help straighten your hair
without losing the sheen of your voluminous tresses. Come join me
to learn the top 10 natural methods that help straighten your hair at home.

10 Easy Ways To Straighten Your Hair Naturally

Lemon juice and coconut

Coconut milk is known for its moisturizing properties. When
used along with lemon juice, it helps give conditioning to your hair apart from
giving it a vitamin C boost. Try this hair mask to get silky and soft tresses
you have been longing.

Hot oil treatment

Castor oil is an amazing ingredient which helps fasten hair
growth. Using it for the hot oil treatment can help repair your hair damage. It
is a quick remedy for controlling frizzy hair and gives you shining long

Milk Spray for hair

The protein content in the milk can help control your frizzy
hair and makes it appear voluminous and straight.

10 Easy Ways To Straighten Your Hair Naturally

Olive oil and eggs

Olive oil is an incredible kitchen ingredient that helps
smoothen your hair apart from conditioning it. Eggs are a rich source of
protein and together, both these ingredients can help straighten your hair naturally apart from giving your tresses the
much-needed shine.

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Honey and milk

Honey is an excellent humectant and emollient which helps
lock in the moisture and milk helps fortify the hair shafts, thus nourishing
the scalp and controlling frizz. This mask helps add sheen to your hair making
it appear straight and luscious.

Rice flour and egg mask
for straightening hair

The ingredients used in this mask help rejuvenate your scalp
by eliminating the dirt and nourishing your hair. This mask helps in reversing
the hair damage and gives your tresses a straight look.

Banana and papaya mask

Banana and papaya are considered effective when it comes to
nourishing your hair right from the roots to the ends. This hair mask keeps
your hair soft and straightens your hair naturally leaving you amazed.

Aloe Vera for hair

Aloe Vera is a readily available ingredient that helps
keep your scalp nourished and hydrated. It is packed with enzymes that help
control frizzy hair apart from rejuvenating hair growth.

Banana-curd-Olive oil
mask for straightening hair

This hair mask is used for deep conditioning your scalp and
helps enhance the texture and volume of your hair. This hair mask helps in
getting rid of frizzy hair, split ends and helps straighten your hair naturally.

Apple Cider Vinegar for
straightening hair

Apple Cider Vinegar works effectively in removing the excess
oil and dirt on your scalp. It helps dislodge the buildup and debris from the
roots and smoothen your hair . This helps in getting rid of the frizz and makes
your hair appear straight with a healthy shine.

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