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replica Chinese websites, fake rolex

Top10 Chinese Replica Wholesale Websites : Watches, Bags, Shoes and Clothing

Do you know which Chinese replica website are trustable for your new business?

Are you planning to start your own business by selling replica products?

Chinese replica products are immensely popular all around the world, due to many factors but mostly because China offers the largest product market for extremely low prices.

There are many other popular Chinese replica websites that offer a wide range of products, be it shoes, jewelry, designer bags, clothes, household products, smart appliances, makeup, and the list goes on.

We are here to provide you a detailed guide on how you can get started as a seller, which websites offer the best Chinese replica products, why you should consider this as a business, tips for wholesaling and so much more!

Remember, the purpose of this blog is to provide information only. We don’t endorse selling or buying of fake products. However, the reason for publishing this blog is to provide valuable information to our readers!

Chapter 1: Best Products to Import from Chinese Replica Websites

replica Chinese websites, fake rolex

When it comes to sourcing from China, the list of products does not end! As a seller, you need to understand that there is a huge market of buyers who want to buy designer stuff but can’t afford it. After all, who can afford a watch worth thousands of dollars. So, they turn to replicas. A replica is the copy of a designer brand. The market for replica goods is huge!

1. Designer Bags from Chinese Replica Websites

Not everyone can afford a designer bag. However, you will see many people roaming the streets with an LV or Gucci bag. 90% of them are replicas and no one near the original in terms of price and quality. The market for replica designer bags is immense. If you can find the right replica bag suppliers from China, it is a jackpot for you. The streets of China of full of sellers selling them.

The biggest replica bag market in China is located in Guangzhou. If you plan to visit China, do go and see this video to know how the replica bag market looks in 2023.

If you look closely on the Chinese replica websites, you will see a big difference in price between various suppliers for the same type of bags. This is because these suppliers offer different qualities. In China, you can find first copy, second copy and even third copies. First-copies are expensive but they look closest to the original. So, it is up to you to choose which quality you want to go for.

2. Luxury Watches from Chinese Replica Websites

Chinese replica websites, watches, copy watches

Chinese replica watches are divided into the following 3 grades depending on the material and workmanship.

A Grade: Products of this quality have similarities to the actual one in terms of appearance however, a trained eye can easily detect between the real one and the replica one.

AA Grade: Products in this category are a step better than A Grade ones since it offers improved performance and workmanship. It can be a little difficult to identify by just looking at the product, which is also why the quota of AA Grade products is the highest in the market.

AAA+ Grade: If you’re looking for an excellent replica that is indistinguishable or offers 95% similarity to the actual one, choose the AAA+ Grade products.

Since it involves high workmanship standards and is made with care, the products in this category can be expensive. The most expensive category with the best workmanship among the three grade products. The best part about these products is that only experts can identify the authenticity.

To have a quality product you can see the reviews of the products. You should learn about the warranty and guarantee as well. Naturally, the watch with a longer warranty tends to be of better functioning and more longevity.

3. Sports Shoes from Chinese Replica Websites


Some people are curious about sports shoes and such shoes have high popularity among them. Before you buy a sports shoe, it is better to look into different stores than focus only on one place. Honestly, the replica products are more or less of similar quality.

What you need to look at carefully are the design and the display stuff. Some replica suppliers provide the product with a totally different design of the real one, but they put the same logo as the real one on the product.

So this is the product that you need to avoid buying. The accuracy of the design of the product can make the product look more real.

4. Trendy Jewelry and Fashion Accessories from Chinese Replica Websites


Chinese manufacturers are adept at making trendy fashion accessories and high-end jewelry. Moreover, it is one of the most in-demand products from China. Be it a GUCCI belt or a designer necklace, the accessories have a never-ending demand all over the place.

If you want the best of the best, you should see the biggest jewelry wholesale market in China, the Yiwu Market. This video covers everything you need to know about it.

Before deciding on a product, you should look into its grade, material, colour, and of course the customer reviews.

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In the case of accessories, material matters a lot. The product with good material has more longevity. And about the awful material, the colour and design fade away soon.

5. High-Quality Makeup & Brushes from Chinese Replica Websites


It needs no telling that Makeup products are in very high demand. In the glamour world, it is a must. Also, people have started making their makeup tutorial channels on different social platforms. Hence, recently the demand has increased a lot.

But it is very important to look after the components and quality of the products. If the components are not good then it may affect a lot in the skin.

Of course, you want to avoid skin complications. You can check the ingredients and rely on customer reviews to ensure high-quality makeup and brushes from Chinese replica websites.

6. Replica Clothes from Chinese Replica Websites

Last but not the least, people turn to Chinese replica websites to buy copies of designer clothes. Hence, it is a good item to include in your e-store.  Furthermore, the demand for clothes does not fall – everyone wears them.

Choosing the right vendors is very important if you want to ensure high quality products. In this blog, we cover all the basics that you need to know regarding buying wholesale clothes from Chinese vendors.

Chapter 2: How to Find the Best Products from Chinese Replica Websites?

replica Chinese websites

When starting a business of importing goods, it’s always a good idea to meet your vendors in person.

However, this may not always be possible which is why taking the assistance of professional sourcing agents such as EJET, will make the process easier for you in the short and long run. The next best alternative is to go for authentic Chinese wholesale websites that have already catered to hundreds of thousands of buyers.

Remember, these websites are some of the best for wholesale products. If you search properly, you can also find many suppliers from whom you can source replica products.

1. Best 10 Chinese Replica Websites to Buy Cheap Replica Products

You can definitely opt for the best Chinese Replica Websites that have a huge variety of products at extremely cheap prices. You can also communicate with the vendors through the websites and build a good client-seller relationship.

Here are the top 10 best Chinese Replica Websites for cheap goods in China:

SIWebsiteBest replica products
1AlibabaApparel, Consumer Electronics, Watches, Bags, Health & Beauty
2AliExpressWomen’s Accessories, Jewelry & Watches, Bags, Toys, Shoes
3Made In ChinaApparels, Bags, Furniture, Hardware
4DhgateShoes, Apparels, Watch, Bags
5Romwe.comClothing, Shoes, Accessories, Bags, Home Essentials
6Global SourcesElectronics, Hardware, Fashion & Lifestyle
71688.comAccessories, Clothing, Home Improvement, Sportswear
8DIY tradeApparel & Fashion, Accessories, Office Supplies, Toys
9FashionTIYBags, Shoes, Accessories, Jewelry, Beauty
10RotitaShoes, Handbags, jewelry, Accessories

Keep in mind that you may not succeed in wholesale replica products from the mentioned websites, because there are various rules & regulations for buying replica products. In such cases, try to ensure all the processes with the supplier beforehand.

You can only be sure that a seller is selling these products by having a detailed conversation with them.

2. Use Some Similar Keywords for Finding Replica Products

Now that you know where to look for replica products on the internet, the next important step is to find the exact product that you’re looking for on the mentioned Chinese replica websites.

Unfortunately, typing the name of the real product or the brand will not offer you the exact products.

For the reason that selling replica products is not authorized on e-commerce platforms, which is why vendors/sellers often hide the logo and the brand names of the replica products.

You can use a combination of the keywords mentioned below to find replica products:

online replica, Aliexpress,

  1. AAA + product category
  2. abbreviation of brand + product category
  3. Europe luxury brand + product category
  4. luxury brand + product category

Once you click on one of the products, you will reach the product’s site, similar to the picture below:

From the product’s site, you will get color options, quantity, product reviews, product description, more pictures of the products, dimensions, shipping charges and price of the product.

replica Chinese websites

If your desired product does not contain the logo that you’re looking for, you can personally chat with the vendor for a customized order. Product pictures usually don’t contain the logo of the actual brand since it is not authorized to sell replica products.

The red arrow indicates the option to contact the seller and find out more about the seller’s online shop.


3. Must-check Factors before Purchasing the product

Undoubtedly replica product has a huge market and most of it is made in China. A lot of replica products are available and you must know how to find the best products.

Although the replica products are somewhat of similar quality there are quite a lot of factors. If you know about the factors to keep in mind before purchasing a product.

Here are some factors discussed below:

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Quality: The texture of the quality matters and it can be perceived through the eyes. If the look satisfies your eyes then it is the one for you.

Grade: There are grades like A, AA, and AAA+. Whenever you want to search for replica products on the websites, do by mentioning the grade. AAA+ is the closest to the real product.

Price: When you compare a product’s price from two different websites, you can see the difference. You can go with the higher price if the product seems better to you.

Manufacturer: It is important to have products from registered manufacturers to ensure the best quality products. Remember to check that before you confirm your purchase.

Logo: You may not find a branded replica product with the same logo as the real one. What you can do is to search for the exact logo in other products.

Material: The material of a product differs from another product. To ensure the best replica product, search on the material type. The good material will take the product a long way.

Warranty/Guarantee: It is another factor you can look into. You should choose the product which has a warranty/guarantee with it over other products. It will ensure longevity, better functionality, and efficiency.

Customer Reviews: It is one of the key factors you must consider before buying any product.

On almost every website, the reviews are shown on the side or bottom of the page. There you will find about both appreciation and complaints. It can surely help you to decide which product to buy and which one to not.

Chapter 3: Where to Find Replica Markets in China? 


When it comes to replica markets, the choice in China can leave you dumbfounded. Almost in every district, you can find markets upon markets upon markets where sellers are selling replica products. Undoubtedly, this can be a little overwhelming.

Don’t worry. That is why we are here. In this chapter, we will include some of the top Chinese replica markets. Not only that, we will also include which products to source from which market.

1. Beijing Silk Market

Beijing Silk Market

If you’re visiting Beijing, you cannot miss the most famous market in China: Silk Market. Silk Market is located on Xiushui East Street, north of Jianguomen Outer Street which attracts lots of tourists all over the year.

The market covers an area of more than 1800 square meters, of which the market facilities cover an area of more than 1000 square meters. There are 250 business kiosks total, where include more than 1000 individuals.

From clothes to jewelry, shoes to sports equipment, the wide variety of products in this market might leave you amazed! Not only that, the market is very popular with tourists which validates the excessive-quality of the products in the Silk market.

If you know a little local language and have the ability to negotiate, you can bag some good deals. The massive, multi-story complex is located in the central business district of Beijing.

Address: 8 Xiushui East Street, Outside the Jianguomen, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

2. Guangzhou Garment Wholesale Center

Chinese replica website

At the Garment Wholesale Center of Guangzhou, you can find a wide range of replica goods, garments,  wholesale shoes and even customize-able products that allows you to add your preferred logo or brand name.

The best thing is all of these goods are export quality. You might be surprised to witness the huge number of small shops all within the market that is located inside Guangzhou railway station.

It doesn’t end here, you will find counterfeit handbags and watches on the nearby streets.

Address: 16 Zhannan Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China

3. Shenzhen Luohu Commercial Center

While you are visiting the Luohu Commercial Center in Shenzhen, you might have to be a little aware as the authorities warn the visitors of possible theft. Nevertheless, there are many visitors at this replica market for the great bargains.

At the border crossing between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, you will find this 5-storied replica market that is home to a huge variety of pirated DVDs, mobile phones, counterfeit handbags and watches. For recreation you shall also find food stalls, beauty parlors and tailors.

4. Shanghai AP Plaza


AP Plaza is Pudong’s biggest “fake market”, located underground in Metro Line 2’s Science & Technology Museum station. The northern half of AP Plaza, called Xinyang, is a collection of stalls, touts, and greedy salespeople out to rip-off unsuspecting tourists with fake, Fake, FAKE goods of all stripes.

From men’s & women’s clothes, sunglasses, sneakers, shoes to latest electronics, the AP Plaza at Shanghai is an excellent counterfeit market and known as one of the best in Shanghai due to the huge number of stalls.

Your negotiation skills might come in handy at this fake market that’s located in Pudong’s Science and technology museum metro station.

Address: No. 2002, Century Avenue, New Pudong District, Shanghai, China

5. Beijing Pearl Market

The Pearl Market, also known as the second most famous fake market in Beijing specialize in the sale of pearls. As the name suggests, you will come over plenty of pearl merchants throughout the market.

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Along with electronics, garments, watches, shoes, you will also find high-quality food. The market has been converted from the Ya Shoe of San Li Tun and is multi-storied.

Address: No. 9 Tiantan Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

6. Shanghai Taobao City

There is a building called Nanzheng in center part of Shanghai. If you go inside the building, you will find that there are many merchants are selling the replica products at very cheap price in the 1-3 floor.

This Taobao City opened in 2005, those merchants in this market are mainly buy from which is the biggest online shop in China.

The Taobao City at 580 Nanjing West Road is definitely a good counterfeit market to check out as a foreigner in Shanghai.

For a good bargain and better quality product that fits western preference can be found from this multi-storied market. The replica market is located at the intersection with Chengdu Road.

Address: 580 Nanjing West Road, Nanzheng Building, Jingan District, Shanghai, China

7. Shanghai Qipu Road Clothing Market


Qipu Road Clothing Market was originally a farmers’ market, and then gradually evolved into a small commodity market. In the 1980s, it began to make garments and is now one of the most famous clothing wholesale markets in China.

Qipu Lu — “cheap” street — is a series of malls crammed, jammed, and stuffed full of cheap clothes, with some fakes for good measure. It’s ground zero for young local shoppers.

Address: 168 Qipu Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, China

8. Shanghai Hongqiao New World Pearl Market

Shanghai Hongqiao New World Pearl Market mainly engaged in pearl, crystal, jade, antiques and other goods.

You can find jewelry including pearls and other precious stones and costume jewelry for sale on the 2-3 floor of this market

What’s more, there are all the amenities in this typical fake market, including bags, scarves, and souvenirs.

Address: 3721 Hongmei Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China.

Chapter 4. How to Get Started With Your Chinese Replica Products Business?

The idea of starting your business may sound terrifying and a little too hard in the beginning. But surprisingly, all you need to do is follow a few steps to get started.

1. Step-by-step Process to Get Started your Business

  • Go to a popular website (like AliExpress or Alibaba) that we have mentioned on the table previously. You can write down the keyword in the search bar for the product that you are looking for.
  • Once you choose your desired product, you can send a message or chat with the vendor to find out more about the process. One thing to keep in mind is that language difference can get a little frustrating and create confusion sometimes. So try to use simple words or if possible, take advantage of a translator.
  • Next, you and your vendor can agree on the Terms and Conditions for Drop Shipping.
  • Create a listing for your products on your desired site.
  • You can use the images and description of the product from the seller’s site with their permission to use on your site.
  • Take professional help from a good agent like EJET Sourcing, as a world-class sourcing company, they can provide professional service if you feel confused in the process.
  • Happy selling!

2. What to Expect while Importing Replica Products from China?

Even though it is a common misconception that language becomes a major barrier for doing business with Chinese sellers, the reality is different.

Most of the time Chinese vendors have expert translators or are good at reading and understanding English text. This means that you can easily communicate with your vendor over chat (or precisely WeChat).

There are two basic things to keep in mind while importing from China:

  • Finding a good supplier who provides high-quality replica products.
  • Your vendor must be well informed of the transaction process.
  • Making sure that you and your Chinese vendor are on the same page.
  • It is very hard to determine the quality of a product by just visiting the website.

What’s more, the pictures on the website may not represent what the actual product is really like.

Since returning the products to the vendors is not an easy option, your best bet is to request sample products from the vendor. This way you can check the quality of the product before ordering in large quantities.

If you still feel unsure about the quality of the final product, it is best to allow a third party to take the responsibility while you can look after other important matters of the business.

Chinese Replica Websites Conclusion

Buying a replica from China that meets your expectations is more complicated than buying a generic product. The most important thing for you is to buy in the right place to avoid being cheated.

Now that you have already known the famous Chinese replica websites you can choose to work with, you shouldn’t waste your time.

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