Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Do you want to find factories and work with them directly? A lot of buyers who are importing the goods from China are looking for real factory suppliers, not any middleman or third person, but it’s not an easy task.…
Replica products business has a huge market, as they’re affordable, highly profitable, and of high quality. And 90% of replica products are made in China around the globe. Many luxury brand companies have foundry in China. So you find all kinds of…
Supplier evaluation has helped you identify who you are going to work with. But before sending the money, there are lots of important details you need to take care of and have an agreement with suppliers. You need to ensure,…
The US was known as the largest economy in the world. But today the US is not unrivaled. As one of the world’s largest and most powerful economies, China competes for side by side with the US in all areas…
Any Amazon seller will tell you that the risk of finding dishonest Chinese supplier or getting stuck with a poor-quality shipment is high. Whether you delve into an online B2B marketplace, an online supplier directory or visit a tradeshow or…
As the most popular fast fashion brand in the past two years, Shein’s influence is comparable to that of Amazon. Shein’s marketing can be seen everywhere on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook and other social media. While Shein is developing rapidly, it has also…
Many buyers will have such questions: is DHgate safe? is DHgate legit? Actually, DHgate is a legal B2B platform like Alibaba. But Alibaba focuses on big orders, DHgate on small wholesale. After I read tens of thousands of negative reviews about…
Are you looking to source the best and cheapest office supplies from stationery market in China? Yiwu stationery market will be one of the best places for you to buy wholesale. As the biggest wholesale stationery market in the world,…
China is one of the largest and most populated countries in the world. It is one of the largest producers in the world due to its large population. China is one of the world’s top economic powers and trades billions…
I have received many consultations about the 1688 from many friends before, especially some southeast Asian and African friends. But in recent years, some friends from Europe and America have also begun to show interest in this Chinese domestic B2B wholesale website.…