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4 Main Reasons Why You Can’t Find Factories in China

Do you want to find factories and work with them directly? A lot of buyers who are importing the goods from China are looking for real factory suppliers, not any middleman or third person, but it’s not an easy task.

The topic “Why can’t you find factories in China” has discussed on many platforms such as; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and trading platforms, but the answer seems not to be a perfect fit for most of the users. So, as a Chinese trading company, we have decided to write on this topic and enlighten you about “Why you can’t find factories in China.”

There’s no one denying the fact that “Chinese factories” are hard to find, and there are a lot of reasons. You’ll figure out everything at the end of the content because we are about to break down everything.

Some Products Are Made by Small Factories

What kind of products are you importing is always important because you can’t find the factory for every product. For example, you’re importing something unique, and you want to have a direct link with the factory, then it’s going to be a “Hard” stride for you.

It’s better to stick with the middleman and try to get the information about the factory. If you’re importing something “Mainstream” like a t-shirt, you’ll find the name of the factory on Alibaba or Google. But, when it comes to sourcing some special products like “Self-Stirring Mug,” then the situation will be completely different.

Due to less demand, the large and middle scale factories aren’t producing “Self-Stirring Mug,” and the manufacturers of this mug might be small factories (30 member’s staff or lower).

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This probably is the reason why aren’t you finding the factory that produces “Special Products.” You’ve to stick to the supplier and ask about the company in a whole new way.

Factories Don’t Know English

All the foreign importers, no matter whether they speak Chinese or not, they tend to find the suppliers on B2B platforms such as Alibaba or global sources or search the name of the company on Google.

So, if the company doesn’t have anyone who knows English, then it’s impossible for them to post their products on B2B platforms where you’ve to enter the product descriptions in English. So, most factories choose to list their products on Still, they don’t have enough time to manage the shop online. Then there’s no way that foreign importer can find them.

It’s very common in China that “Small Factories Staff” don’t speak English because most of the staff are working for the product and production, and dealing only with the domestic companies. According to their perception, it’s expensive and difficult to build an English Sales Team.

For example, you’ve to pay annually around $4000 annually to publish your content on B2B platforms like Alibaba. Also, if you want to hire an “English Speaking Employee,” then you’ll have to award him with a minimum “$7000” annually. So, that’s the reason why small factories avoid going to English websites.

Factories Don’t Understand Online Marketing

Even though there are a lot of factories on Alibaba and other platforms, but that doesn’t mean their products will be searched by foreign importers. Because you need many skills and efforts to rank your “products” in order to get sales and messages from foreign importers. Having a piece of knowledge about “PPC and Google Adwords” is always a plus for the factories.

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Honestly, it’s even more difficult to rank your products on Google as compared to Alibaba because there are millions of products already posted. Factories must have their own English website, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) team to increase the chances of getting ranked and more sales.

That’s the reason why most of the companies are still not “Findable” by most of the foreign importers even after they post their products on different B2B platforms.

Factories Intentionally Hide Their Information

It’s a universal truth that “Chinese Factories are producing every kind of copycat product” and exporting them to every single corner of the world. If there’s any “Hot-Selling” product in the market, for example, “Tooth-brush or maybe electronics,” they will start to copy it and sell them at the “Lower Possible Prices.”

So, that’s why a lot of companies hide their identities in order to “Avoid themselves” from the copyright strikes. The buyers have to buy the product from the trading companies, rather than from the real factories.

That’s all from the topic “4 main reasons why you can’t find factories in China,” and if you still have any questions roaming around in your mind, then type it and post it below. We will answer your questions for sure!

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