Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Reviews

Best Backpack for Guys 2018

Every girl loves bag, and they love to buy diffrent kinds of stylish bags. However, like and buy bag are not the only right of fashion ladies, gentle men also need fashion bags for their daily and office style. Men…

Six nail paints to rock this summer

Summer is here…are your nails ready? Summer is well on its way with soaring temperatures making us all miss the oh so short spring. Here are six picks to pamper your talons and show off your summer style quotient coolly…

6 personal care products for men and women

Both men and women need some high quality personal care products suitable for their bodies. Women have soft and delicate skin and thus need gentle products while men require some really high end products. From colognes to shampoos and from…

Xiaomi Mi A1 Review-It feels just right.

If you are willing to buy a new phone in the mid range budget with all feature packed then I will prefer you to go with Mi A1 which is from the leading brand of China Xiaomi. Android one– Google’s long…


10 BEST SUN UMBRELLAS With the advent of the summers, umbrella is now an inevitable necessity that is in the checklist of all of us. Moreover, the rainy season begins just after that, hence an umbrella that caters to both…