Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Reviews

Honor 6x Review: Dual Camera, Good Design

I have gravitated towards Huawei Honor smartphones quite much and they never fail to impress me. Honor 6x is good phone in this price range this is dual camera phone and this has support of fast charging it looks very good…

Best Gifts for a New Mom under 1000

Motherhood is a wonderful experience and a new journey for a mom. It is full of surprises, apprehensions, excitements and learning. Once you become a mother, your baby becomes your priority and you want the best for them. However, becoming…

Top 5 Sneakers in India

The modern-day sneakers are highly improved regarding colour variations and quality of raw materials to provide a maximum amount of durability on a regular basis. Sneakers are available in various designs, and it is dependent on the individual to choose…