Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tag Reviews

JMGO SC 2000 ANSI Lumens Laser projector Review

The laser projector is in great demand nowadays. In this rapid era, development is rapid than the time.  Everything is getting better and better, so in this developing era, people’s demands are getting bigger and bigger. Nowadays projector is not…

VIVIBRIGHT GP100 Projector Review

Just like there are premium high-priced smartphones and the budget ones, there also exists pricey projectors that cost a fortune, and some other that come at an unbelievably low price — budget projectors. We have reviewed a couple of budget projectors…

Alfawise A8 Smart Budget Projector Review

Talk about low-end budget projectors, the brand name Alfawise has to be mentioned. Skilled in the art of crafting, designing and manufacturing of electrical appliances (like projectors, tablets, vacuum cleaners, window cleaners etc) for home and office use, the Alfawise brand…

DBPOWER RD-819 3200 Lumens Projector Review

As you know, MyFirstProjector is a platform that seeks to bring to you, the best, the most affordable and all sorts of projectors out there in the saturated world of tech appliances and consumer electronics. It is in this light…