Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tag Hair & Beauty

Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight

Pimples may spoil your days and leave behind aesthetically unpleasant scars. It is natural that you  will want  to get rid of them as early as possible especially if you are going to attend  a date or a party where…

DIY Hair Growth Stimulating Leave-In Conditioner

Leave-in conditioner is a must-have hair care product in your beauty bag. It really helps your hair by locking in moisture as well as adding softness and shine. If you want to spare your hair tresses from harsh chemicals found in…


If you’ve ever purchased eye creams or serums, stop now! Making your own eye serum is SO easy, doesn’t require a lot of ingredients, and most times works better than any store bought product. Because store bought eye creams and…