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Tag China Travel Guide

The Most Famous Chinese Jade Origins

Jade symbolizes beauty, nobility, perfection, constancy, power, and immortality in Chinese culture. The history of jade is as long as the Chinese civilization. Archaeologists have found jade objects from the early Neolithic period (about 5000 BC), represented by the Hemudu culture…

Top 10 Tourist Cities in China

Planning to travel to China? TopChina Travel lists Top 10 Tourist Cities in China for your reference. If you are confused about where to travel in China, you can find the answer in this page. All these 10 destinations are popular with our…

Nine Towns Must See in China

♦ 1. Wuzhen Water Town Location: North of Tongxiang city in Zhejiang province, 80 km from Hangzhou and Suzhou, 14k km from Shanghai Wuzhen Water Town has a long history of 6,000 years. It is a typical ancient water towns…

Top 10 Tallest Buildings in China

Top 10 Tallest Buildings in China will show you the modern architecture marvels in China, which sprang up all over the country during the recent decades. Canton Tower Guangzhou Stood in Zhuhai District, Guangzhou , Canton Tower , formally known…

The Most Famous Chinese Silk Towns

ilk has been regarded as the emissary and symbol of Eastern civilization since ancient times. The earliest silk article discovered now is about 4700 years old, unearthed from a tomb dating back to Liangzhu Culture in China history. Here we…

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: the World's Highest Plateau

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, or Tibetan Plateau, is the highest plateau in the world with an average altitude of 4,500m, and was reputed as “the roof of the world” and “the world’s third pole”. Located in Central Asia, it covers an area…