Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Life

DIY Hair Growth Stimulating Leave-In Conditioner

Leave-in conditioner is a must-have hair care product in your beauty bag. It really helps your hair by locking in moisture as well as adding softness and shine. If you want to spare your hair tresses from harsh chemicals found in…

12 Best Healthy Snacks Of 2018 For Losing Weight

Having trouble sticking to your diet? Sacrificing snacks to cut back on calories? Big mistake! Check our these best healthy snacks and make 2018 the year you finally lose serious pounds! To successfully lose weight you need to have snacks.…


If you’ve ever purchased eye creams or serums, stop now! Making your own eye serum is SO easy, doesn’t require a lot of ingredients, and most times works better than any store bought product. Because store bought eye creams and…