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5 Tips for Men Who Wear Make Up

Beauty is currently getting more inclusive with men owning their own cosmetic brands too. People from all gender, race and backgrounds are also gaining popularity from the beauty industry. Not online the luckiest reach to the extent of being crowned as the face of the brand. With the power of social media, you actually do not need any branding for you to be visible due to the exceptional make up you wear. Now that we are in control of our own make up, the results are also becoming more appealing.

There are actually a number of articles relating to men and make up, and others referring men to the best make up brands to check out for. The oddest part is that these blogs and articles are not written by men, and to be precise, men who wear make-up.  Let us look at 5 makeup tips for men.

Skin Smoothing Moisturizers

One main issue that men in make-up face is rough texture, which is mainly as a result of facial hair, or rough skin texture in general. The most effective way to help ease the texture is by use of skin smoothing moisturizers.  This makes the foundation of application become flattering, seamless, and you can wear the make up for longer hours.

Brown Powder

Use a brown powder especially when you wear a beard. It can be applied to the beard just the same way you apply the brows. It makes the beard fuller and also gives it shape. If your beard has cool colors-blue, green, etc., application of eyeshadow will generate the same effect.

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5 Tips for Men Who Wear Make Up

Bronze The Face

Men can simply bronze the face to give it a warm glow. However, it is also important to ensure that you also blend the beard line to prevent the bronze from sitting on the hair. Additionally, you can highlight above the beard line depending on the effect of the highlighter.

Lip Balm

Do not forget that supple lips are quite appealing be it a man or a women. Since men generally go bare lips, it is all the more important for them to moisturize them. A nude lip balm will be just what you need.

Light Coverage

Goal for every men is not to look like wearing a makeup, which means less is more. A tinted cover-up is foolproof as it will conceal your flaws and give you an even tone look.  You can also go for sport treats, acne spot concealing and even under eye coverage.

Use Eye Puffs

They are the most effective way of getting rid puffiness. Use a fast absorbing eye gel to address those dark circles. These simple make up tips for men are easy and handy.

There are very few sources that provide make up tips for men, and this is mainly because wearing make-up is still regarded as a woman’s thing. But if you are a man who wants to get into the make-up world, you can still get precise information from men that wear the make-up, and not beauty blogs and websites.