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scam crypto startup

Digital Marketing Guide for Crypto and Blockchain WEB 3.0 Companies

Since 2018, cryptocurrency digital marketing has been quite volatile, as the main advertising platforms in the digital world banned or restricted these types of activities. Yet, lately, the same platforms have considered that maybe they should partially allow some cryptocurrency-related projects to access their digital marketing opportunities.

In the following article, we will explore the advertising platform restrictions you need to consider depending on the type of project you have and, of course, give you a heads up on the legislative “initiatives” that may affect your cryptocurrency digital marketing strategy. Then, we will proceed to explain what advertising opportunities you can find in the digital world, despite the restrictions.

Advertising Platforms Restrictions

Nowadays, a big part of digital promotion is done through Facebook & Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Ads. So, naturally, a crypto digital marketing strategy would focus on them, right?

Not necessarily.

Although it would be ideal to go to the big advertising platforms, digital marketing for crypto is rather restrictive when it comes to paid ads.

And although they have started rolling back the bans, crypto ads are still quite restricted. Also, you generally have to be a verified advertiser to be able to launch campaigns, but ICOs and other types of projects are prohibited.

For an in-depth perspective, read our article on crypto advertising before and after the big banning to find out how it started and how the advertising policies are evolving around the crypto sphere.


Crypto Marketing Is a Tricky Thing to Do

Let’s start by outlining the biggest pain points of digital marketing for crypto startups:

Pain #1: Most Crypto Startups Are Considered SCAM

Many crypto startups happen to be scams aimed at stripping you of your money. It makes digital marketing for crypto that important. If you don’t have excellent content, videos, reviews, case studies, podcasts, articles on reputable crypto platforms, social media, and PR, you won’t have sales because most people will not believe you!

scam crypto startup

Pain #2: Online Marketing for Blockchain Companies Is Expensive

The cryptocurrency industry is too dynamic and technically advanced, making it difficult for average online marketers to handle it. That’s why the price of hiring an expert marketing team is so high.

Pain #3: Good Crypto Marketing Experts Work on Their Own Projects

That’s another explanation of the costly nature of crypto marketing. Many professional crypto marketers channel their skills and knowledge into their own cryptocurrency projects for bigger revenue. That’s the reason why most crypto startups have to work with newbies on the market.

Pain #4: Paid Advertising Limitations

The abundance of crypto scams led to such giants as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others imposing restrictions on promoting cryptocurrency startups through paid advertising (e.g., you can’t do PPC for initial coin offerings, or ICOs, via Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.).

Pain #5: SEO for Crypto Startups Is Super Effective But Super Hard

80% of SEO companies are too slow on delivering results for whatever crypto project they take on, 15% use “black hat” techniques which are too risky and rarely have any long-term effect, and only 5% of all SEO companies do have a profound understanding of how to do SEO for crypto. But despite its complexity, SEO can ultimately provide you with a great ROI.

graph showing the effectiveness of seo for crypto companies

Pain #6: Crypto Market Is Too Unpredictable

The cryptocurrency marketing industry is volatile and subject to constant changes. This makes it even riskier to hire a cheap amateur marketing team who will drain your marketing budget and keep postponing results for months while still learning what blockchain is and struggling to keep up with the latest crypto trends.

The bottom line here is that you don’t have months in the crypto industry — you have days.

Further on, we will attempt to explain what is currently going on with the industry and how our crypto marketing services can help you get to the top of your niche and meet your business goals.

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What’s Up with the Cryptocurrency Market Today?

As we said above, cryptocurrencies have lately been growing in their value and getting more widespread than just a couple of years ago. In fact, many believe that the crypto market has the potential to change the world’s finance, manufacturing, healthcare, and other vital industries forever, so it comes as no surprise that we have recently seen a drastic increase in all kinds of crypto startups. We see new cryptocurrencies popping up, miners hunting for Bitcoins, companies counseling on crypto asset management, and so on.

Today, the cryptocurrency market is a little over ten years old, so we can say it is still pretty much in its infancy. However, with quite a number of crypto startups, the competition is hard enough to survive in this market, dependent on a wide range of factors, one of which is having a well-designed website and a solid crypto marketing strategy.

list of popular crypto startups

Why Do Crypto Currency Startups Need Investing in Digital Marketing in 2021?

When it comes to digital marketing, the cryptocurrency market is way different from others, making it challenging to handle. Although the primary goals (building a website, developing a marketing strategy, getting the message to your prospects, increasing your ROI) are pretty straightforward, there are quite a few things specific to the crypto market. We have covered some of the most critical issues at the beginning of the article, but there’s one that’s worth taking a closer look at.

Cryptocurrency transactions are very hard to track due to blockchain technology which means there’s almost no way to get your money back. That’s exactly what scammers are counting on. Lots of crypto startups, particularly among the ones known as Initial Coin Offerings, or ICOs (fundraising campaigns looking to create a new crypto coin, app, or service), turn out to be scams created with the sole purpose of getting investors out of their money. It results in a high degree of distrust not only of ICOs but all crypto-related startups. When you have a startup involving cryptocurrency, most of your potential clients will think that you are most likely a scam too. That’s why it is essential to position your brand as reliable and trustworthy through reputation management activities which should be part of your digital marketing strategy.

Using digital marketing for crypto companies, you prove your crypto project as solid and legitimate, ultimately resulting in your prospects getting more confident with your brand.

Types of Startups for Crypto Digital Marketing

bitcoin cryptocurrency

There are a wealth of business opportunities supporting the cryptocurrency industry. Below, you will find the seven common startups, each having its nuances in cryptocurrency digital marketing.

Considering that Bitcoin happens to be the most popular digital currency on the market, we will further use this crypto coin to refer to other cryptocurrencies.

#1: Crypto Mining

Today, mining is virtually the most popular kind of crypto startup. As opposed to trading, mining is a more relaxed and straightforward approach to obtain Bitcoins.

There are different types of business: you can buy or rent hardware for mining, use cheap energy sources (e.g., natural flared gas) for mining, or mine from your PC or smartphone. The price per kW is a key element here.

It’s worth pointing out that nowadays, mining is increasingly being used to solve some ecological issues. For example, one of the projects we have been working with — EZ Blockchain — is a leading US firm on the mission to solve the global waste energy problem by installing portable crypto mining boxes using energy by-products like natural flared gas to mine Bitcoins. Below, you can see what we have achieved so far working on this project, and follow the link to read the full case study.

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Crypto marketing tips: Competition is growing bigger, but smart SEO still has a lot of potential. PR and content are vital for success. Sometimes paid PR is an excellent tool at the beginning when you need to have a word out.

Examples: Genesis Mining, EZ Blockchain, Shamining, Crypto Universe, Minery.


Other Paid Ads Opportunities

The best results come when you combine multiple communication channels. And as long as your project isn’t breaking the rules, you can still approach some of the more traditional advertising platforms.

Advertising on Quora

Perhaps the most permissive paid media, Quora allows ads related to:

  • Exchanges;
  • Wallets;
  • Crypto management financial services;
  • ICOs;
  • Educational materials;
  • Gambling platforms.

However, ICOs must disclose the financial risk involved in investing and, of course, state that the value of the tokens being offered is not guaranteed and could depreciate in full at any time.

As for educational materials, the websites must disclose that the information offered does not represent financial advice.

Also, the following are prohibited:

  • Trading bots;
  • Mining platforms;
  • Retirement investment options involving cryptocurrency;
  • Promotion of specific digital currencies or tokens outside of ICOs.

Quora can be great for business-to-consumer campaigns, yet the ads campaign setup and monitoring are rather basic.

And despite being permissive, you can rely only on image ads, promoted answers, and text ads, so your creativity may only go to a certain extent.

Advertising on Twitter

When it comes to organic posts, Twitter is the preferred social media platform. As for advertising, cryptocurrency products and services may target limited countries, and not every crypto project is able to access it.

ICOs, IEOs, IDExOs, decentralized exchanges, DApps, and a few more are completely prohibited. But there is a list of products and services that can advertise as long as they follow the restrictions:

  • NFTs and related products;
  • Crypto credit/debit cards;
  • Cryptocurrency “hot” wallets;
  • Cryptocurrency exchanges;
  • Cryptocurrency kiosks/ATMs;
  • Investment advice, investment opportunities, and offers to increase wealth.

On Twitter, you may use a combination of video, single banners, and carousels to promote your project more visually. But remember, the texts you run together with the creatives should be no longer than a tweet.

Furthermore, unlike Quora, Twitter’s targeting and monitoring capabilities are a little more advanced. However, as a crypto advertiser, your campaigns will often be rejected by the AI, and you will have to create and modify your texts and creatives over and over again.

Advertising on Google

Since Google opened up its advertising capabilities to crypto marketers, many advertisers at least attempted to promote themselves on their platforms.

The big obstacle is that to launch campaigns, you must apply for certification, and, depending on your country and object of activity, register with the responsible governmental agency.

However, only crypto gambling platforms, exchanges, wallets, and products and services that do not break other policies may apply.

Once in, you will be able to use Google search ads, display ads, and YouTube ads to the full extent.

Best 2021 Cryptocurrency Marketing Practices to Improve Your Online Presence in the Crypto Community

As we stated previously, the crypto-coin market is becoming too competitive, so if you want to survive this world, your coin needs a unique and solid crypto marketing strategy.

Below, we have aggregated some of the most effective crypto marketing practices to get you started.

Website Development for Crypto Startups

The first and most important thing you should do before launching your crypto startup is to develop a website to let your prospects learn everything there is to know about your project.

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A good website should have:

  • Great UX and a mobile responsive design due to the industry’s high standards.
  • Case studies, reviews, and media publication as social proof because there is a lot of scam on the market.
  • High-quality content, without which it will be hard to compete SEO-wise.
  • Fast load speed.

All in all, a well-designed and user-friendly website filled with high-value content is your chance to persuade clients of the advantages of investing in your startup.

ez blockchain company marketing homepage

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is one of the pillars of digital marketing for cryptocurrency startups:

  • As the crypto industry is young, SEO is the best tool to get fantastic marketing results.
  • The cryptocurrency market is changing rapidly, so it’s critical to constantly monitor these changes and keep up with the latest crypto trends. It’s not something a mediocre SEO team can do. You need a professional onsite SEO and technical SEO team to get you covered.
  • Backlinks are 50% of success. A rich backlink profile developed through cooperation with 1000s of affordable and 100s of quite expensive media platforms allows you to increase your website trust and rankings. Make sure your SEO company is excellent at this.
  • The other 50% is content. You need to write 2000+ word articles with charts, stats, facts, and non-stock pictures. Content is still king.

The Website

The website is the focal point of all your marketing efforts. There, potential leads need to find enough information on your project as well as an easy road to conversion.

And to get the most out of it, focus on SEO and UI/UX to make sure that your website can at least rank first for your brand’s name, and, furthermore, ensure that potential leads can convert easily.

The Social Media Profiles

Although social media management is no easy job, building an audience on platforms like Twitter and YouTube will give you a voice to keep your community updated. Twitter will provide you with fast and engaging communication, while YouTube will allow you to give out in-depth presentations.

Both social media platforms will require your time and effort to build up. But even if you do not see direct results or much engagement at the beginning, note that many crypto enthusiasts check social media profiles to see if there is any activity.

Keep in mind that it’s not uncommon for the crypto world to deem a project inactive when it stops posting on Twitter.

Telegram & Discord

A community building study we realized in 2019 showed us that Telegram is the top messaging app used by crypto businesses. Also, it was believed that any legit project needed to have an official Telegram Channel for a long time.

And now, having an official Discord server is also one of the main preoccupations in cryptocurrency community building.

Now, you may choose to build both of them. But as the marketing resources are always limited, you should concentrate on the one that fits your style the best and is closer to your audience.

Regardless, use Telegram and/or Discord to offer your community a direct communication channel to discuss ideas, new directions, and potential opportunities.

Sponsored Articles

To establish a brand in the cryptocurrency world, you need to get the word going around. And the best way to do that is to make sure that various websites write about you.

Yet, 99.99% of the crypto businesses are not like Polkadot and Coinbase, thus not getting enough publicity.

But there is a solution to that. Virtually any new legitimate project can publish guest posts on various media platforms from the crypto industry. And within Coinzilla Marketplace, you can find these kinds of deals gathered in one place and grouped by category, price range, publisher, and more.

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