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Monthly Horoscope for Oxes in 2018

Monthly Horoscope for Oxes in 2018

It’s a bad time for Oxes in terms of their financial luck in 2018.

Oxes are very vulnerable to various kinds of trouble, and are greatly influenced by sentiments rather than logic when it comes to handling friendships. This unintentionally spoils their bonds of friendship.

Below is a general 2018 summary of four spheres of life and a monthly horoscope according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
Oxes suffer unexpected personal financial losses due to ties of friendship and family as well as unfair competitions in 2018. They should avoid investment in real estate projects.

Oxes suffer great setbacks in their careers in 2018, which greatly affects their performance and welfare in work. It’s also very likely that they’ll be at odds with their colleagues.

In terms of relationships, Oxes are not so lucky in 2018. They may meet rivals in love, as well as being not very popular with the opposite sex.

Health luck is generally good for Oxes in 2018, with downturns in months 6 and 9. They should go for medical examinations regularly to avoid respiratory diseases.

Monthly Horoscope for Oxes in 2018
Months in Chinese Astrology
In Chinese astrology, the traditional Chinese solar calendar is used to determine months, hence the first month of the zodiac year begins in early February, within 2 days of February 5, and so on. For more explanation, see The Chinese Calendar.
Month 1 (Feb. 16 – Mar. 16, 2018): Good
Oxes are highly appreciated in work by their bosses, and they are also in good health in month 1.

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Many opportunities lie ahead for female Oxes in terms of relationships, but males are in too much of a rush to control their emotions and may quarrel with their partners.

As for financial luck, it’s quite mediocre at the start of 2018.

Month 2 (Mar. 17 – Apr. 15, 2018): Luckier
Oxes may get extra benefits in work due to their enhanced financial luck in month 2, providing great impetus to their careers. This means they need not worry too much about their work.

In terms of relationships, female Oxes have more chances to fall in love than males.

Month 3 (Apr. 16 – May 14, 2018): Tough
Month 3 is not a good time for Oxes to co-invest with others. Instead, they should make an investment on their own.

It’s hard for them to get along well with their partners.

Month 4 (May 15 – Jun. 13, 2018): Hard
There aren’t any good opportunities for Oxes to develop their careers in month 4, and it’s also hard for them to meet their Mr. or Mrs. Right. They often get hurt if they pay too much attention to their partners.

Month 5 (Jun. 14 – Jul. 12, 2018): Mixed
Independent Oxes will reap lots of rewards.

In addition to encountering trouble in their careers, Oxes also face emotional crises this month.

Month 6 (Jul. 13 – Aug. 10, 2018): Worst
The financial luck gets worse for Oxes in month 6.

They hit rock bottom and can’t sink any lower in terms of their interpersonal relationships as they are frequently being hampered by underhand people.

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Oxes can hardly spare any time for their relationships due to their failures in their careers, and they suffer a deep marital rift as well as poor health.

Month 7 (Aug. 11 – Sep. 9, 2018): Promising
If they try hard enough in work, Oxes may make new breakthroughs in their careers due to their improved financial luck in month 7.

They may also increase their incomes if they make full use of good investment environments, turning over a new leaf in their life, especially in terms of their financial status.

Month 8 (Sep. 10 – Oct. 8, 2018): Best
Month 8 is the best time of the year for Oxes to increase their incomes, especially for youths in financial circles.

It’s also very possible for female Oxes to find their Mr. Right this month.

Month 9 (Oct. 9 – Nov. 7, 2018): Perplexed
Some unexpected changes in their careers happen to Oxes in month 9.

Their performance becomes bad due to their rocky interpersonal relationships.

They should take good care of themselves to avoid heart and eye diseases.

Month 10 (Nov. 8 – Dec. 6, 2018): Fortunate
Month 10 is the best month for Oxes with regard to their financial luck, so they should focus on making money instead of concentrating on trivial things in life.

Even though it’s not as stable as the previous months, their income increases considerably because they are not suffering from unexpected personal financial losses.

Regarding their relationships, female Oxes have a better chance of meeting their Mr. Right.

Month 11 (Dec. 7, 2018 – Jan. 5, 2019): Bittersweet
Oxes have a great chance to make breakthroughs in their careers in month 11.

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They may also get married due to having smooth relationships with their partners. However, their careers may be affected owing to them putting too much focus on their relationships.

Therefore, they should make a clear and definite plan for themselves.

Month 12 (Jan. 6 – Feb. 4, 2019): Smoother
Despite facing increasing work pressure, Oxes reap the rewards and perform well if they persist to the end of month 12.

Their financial luck runs smoother this month, and they are rather satisfied with their life, even though their income is not as high due to the nature of their work.

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