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Enable the Hidden ‘Night Mode’ Setting on Android 7.0 Nougat

When we stare at these blue-lit screens at night time, our bodies don’t release the needed amount of melatonin, which keeps us awake. Neurologists who conducted studies on people who were exposed to blue-heavy lights before bedtime found that those people took far longer to fall asleep than those who were exposed to warmer light or light more evenly distributed across the color spectrum.

That doesn’t just make us feel grumpy in the mornings, but a lack of quality sleep over time can have serious impacts on our overall health.

Luckily, there are a few tricks that can let you do a little work or read past dark without making you toss and turn all night.

Video Tutorials:highly recommended

How to get Night Mode on Android 7.0 Nougat

  1. Open Google Play Store.
  2. Tap Search bar.
  3. Enter Nougat 7.0 Night Mode Enabler . Press Install.
  4. Pull down on Notification Shade.
  5. Pull down again to enter Quick Settings.
  6. Hold down on the Settings icon. waitfor a little vibration and then a message will apear saying, “Congrats! System UI Tuner has been added to Settings.”
  7. Return to the home screen.
  8. Open Nougat 7.0 Night Mode Enabler app.
  9. Tap Enable Night Mode
  10. Toggle Night Mode to on.
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